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Momo POV
"Yaoyorozu I can help you with him." Kirishima says.
"Thank you, but it's alright." I say with smile.
I carry Shoto on my shoulder to Recovery Girl's office.
"I didn't know you were so strong." Ochaco says completely shocked.
We all laugh.
It's good to be happy again, knowing Shoto is back to himself.
"You have the patch right?" Midoriya says,
"Yup right here." Kirishima says holding a bag, inside it, was the drug.
"We've gotta turn that in too." Kirishima says.
I nod but we continue walking to Recovery Girl's office.

"Oh my goodness!" Recovery Girl says completely shocked.
We explained to her what happen and turn in the drug.
"Poor boy, must've been so confused." She says.
"Well hopefully he doesn't remember so that he won't have regret over it." Ochaco says.
"There might be security footage from that, we should let him see it." Midoriya says.
"They'll probably do that." Recovery Girl says.
"Who's they?" Kirishima asks,
"Oh, Mr. Aizawa." She says.
"Don't worry he won't go to jail or anything." She says with a smile.
"Now I'll take him from here, if you just want to lay him there." She says to me and points to a hospital bed.
"Yes ma'am." I say and lay him on the hospital bed. She walks over to him.
"Aw he got a fever too." She says.
"Fever too?!! Why is the worse happening to him???" I say to myself.
"You kids go back to class. Thank you for everything!" She says as we leave the room.
"Ok! We're good now!" Ochaco says.
"Yup let's head back to class." Kirishima says,
"Ready Yaoyorozu?" Midoriya asks.
"Oh.... yeah!" I say nervously,
"Hopefully Shoto is alright." I say.
"Oh I think so." Ochaco says with a smile.

Shoto's POV
I wake up in Recovery Girl's room.
"What?" I say.
Im so confused.
All I can remember is getting this weird shot of pain in my neck.
"What day is it?? What's going on??" I ask myself.
"Oh your awake." Mr. Aizawa says.
I get up,
"Stay in bed! You still are sick!" Recovery Girls says,
I sit up.
"Mr. Aizawa what happened?" I asked.
"To make it short, you were drugged."
"What drugged??? What's going on?"
"Drugged?" I asked.
"Yeah basically, someone tested their drug on you, it's starting to become a thing more now."
"That's probably why I felt that shot in my neck and can't remember anything." I realize,
"What so happen? Did I do anything messed up?" I asked.
"Shit what did I do??" I say to myself.
"You won't get you in trouble or anything, since we know that it wasn't technically you." Mr. Aizawa says,
"But we will show you some footage we got from the security camera of what you did." He says.
"Oh no..." I say to myself.
"How did I get out of it?" I asked.
"Kirishima, Ochaco, Midoriya and Yaoyorozu." He says,
"Momo? Oh no did I hurt her?!"
I panic to myself.
"What did I do to Momo??" I panic.
"You'll see." He says and puts the computer on the hospital bed.
I click play on the recording.
I see myself.
I hear audio...
It's starts off with me acting like a dick.
"Did Momo try and say hi to me?" I asked myself.
The video keeps going.
Momo keeps looking at me through out class.
"I'm sorry you've must've been so confused." I say to myself.
I see her keep looking at the drug on my neck.
She goes to touch it, which if I was me I would have been fine with.
"What do you want?" I hear myself say,
"Why would I say that?"
Momo looks at me so confused.
"Oh sorry! I just wanted to know what was on your neck..." she says startled.
"This? Next time ask, but its nothing."
Mr. Aizawa watches me react to my own actions.
"Look, we're sorry to show you this, but I think it's for your own good." Mr. Aizawa says.
"Thank you, but I can't believe this is how I was acting. I apologize to any harm I caused." I say.
"Like I said before we won't hold you responsible, cause technically it wasn't your fault." He says.
"But I recommend you apologize to everyone you caused harm too, even though it wasn't your fault." Mr. Aizawa suggests. I nod and agree.
"Okay I thank you." I say before continuing the video.
Class is now over,
"What is going on? Why are so angry?" Momo asks me.
I'm scared to hear my own response....
"I'm fine. Your just in my way, I wouldn't mind if you just shut up for once." I hear myself say.
I pause the video.
I can't believe myself.
I put my hands over my face.
"You alright?" Mr. Aizawa asks.
"I can't believe I said that to her." I say.
"Hey, it wasn't you, just apologize."
"How? It's harder than it looks, after all I said?" I ask,
He sighs,
"Look you'll probably be apologizing for a lot more after this." Mr. Aizawa says.
"Shit.... just how bad was I?" I panicked to myself.
I click play on the video and keep watching.
Midoriya walks up to me to just to talk and I was acting like a dick.
He keeps asking if I'm alright.
"Thank you Midoriya for keeping out for me." I say to myself.
"If you were fine, you would be socially awkward, plain and honest but actually nice, and you would do anything for Yaoyorozu instead of treating her like trash. Just who the hell are you?" He asks.
"What am I going to do?!!" I ask myself.
"You got a caring friend." Mr. Aizawa says, I nod but I keep on watching.
"SHUT UP. JUST SHUT UP." I hear myself say.
"Damn." I say to myself.
Until I see my self punch him.
I jump back a bit from where I siting.
"You were right." I tell Mr. Aizawa.
"Keep watching." He says,
I move back over to sit in front of the computer screen again.
We keep on punching at each other.
"I'm sorry Midoriya...." I say to myself.
I even see Kirishima try to stop the fight.
"Thank you Kirishima." I say to myself.
I see myself punch Kirishima too.
"I'm sorry everyone!" I say to myself.
"Your face isn't looking so good? You need to take a break?" Mr. Aizawa says, seeing my reactions.
I want to throw up right now. I can't believe how I'm acting.
"I'm okay." I say, I want to see what I do next. Even though it's disgusting I want to own up to my actions and take the punishment.
It's my fault for being so careless anyways.
I always need others worrying about me, I want to be a hero who puts people at ease.
But than I see Momo get involved.
"No don't!" I scream to myself.
"Shoto!" She screams.
"Momo!" I scream to myself.
I see myself look at her completely over it.
"Momo please." I beg.
"Hey? You alright? I think you need to take break. You look like your about to faint." Mr. Aizawa asks,
"I'm fine!" I say.
"What the hell? Get out of my way." I see myself say.
I see myself punch her.
Over and over.
I than see myself kick her and made her collapse to her knees.
I can't think right now. I can't believe myself. My mind is now a blur.
Mr. Aizawa pauses the video.
"Let's take a break."
I can't think.
I'm breathing heavy.
"Here." He says handing me a trash bin.
I don't say anything I immediately grab the trash bin and vomit.
I can't believe I hurt so many people.
"Momo..... Momo I'm sorry....." I can't think of anything else to say or do.
I don't feel deserving of someone as amazing as Momo.....

Author's Note
If your really confused on what's going on, let me recap.
Shoto woke up in recovery girl's office after Momo helped him out.
He's currently sitting on the hospital bed watching a videos of footage of him drugged.
He's reacting to it basically.
And mr. Aizawa is standing there watching him making sure he doesn't have a heart attack cause he seems like he's about too.

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