Now confess! (part 2)

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Ashido POV
It's harder to deny a crush so let me try that!
"Secret crush! No way! He's just my friend!" Yaoyorozu said, as her face began to get red.
"Oh cmon Yaoyorozu! It's so obvious you like him, you can't stop blushing  even while we're talking about this!" I said hopping for her to say something.
"Again no way! Todoroki just a friend..... just a friend... yeah.... nothing more...... I guess." She slowly begins coming out, I make sure I jump on every opportunity I get.
"I love how you say, I guess, that means there's something going on between you two for sure!" I said with wink as I lean on Yaoyorozu, she nudges me off of her,
"I swear Ashido! There's going on between Todoroki and I! I swear! Believe me!" She begs, Jirou now steps in, "Yeah lately all you do is look at Todoroki." Yaoyorozu face keeps getting more red by the second! I know she fainted and all earlier but an opportunity is an opportunity and you should always jump on any opportunity you get!
"What I don't look at him! Never! In fact I hardly pay attention to him!" Yaoyorozu says,
"If you hardly pay attention to him than why are you blushing?" I asked,
"I'm not blushing! It's just very hot that's all! Very hot!" She says as her face turns redder, I come up with the prefect come back.
"It's only getting hotter cause Todoroki is around right?!" I asked this time I know I nailed her!
"Why do you guys want to know so bad if I like Todoroki or not?!" She asked,
"Come back? Come back? Come back?!" I think to myself, but no ideas until Ochaco saves the day.
"Cause, like we said earlier, your always blushing with him, and you super nervous around him and you look like your about to explode when any girls hang out with him!" Ochaco says, Yaoyorozu looks down and sighs,
"Alright, alright! I may have a small crush on him......." She says and cover her face with her hands,
Even though I know and have proof and whatever about them dating, I'm just happy she confessed a little. That's all I wanted to know,
Lord thank you for listening to my prays.

Midoriya POV
Todoroki sat back down after saving Yaoyorozu from a heat stroke,
"There's so much I want to ask him! Hope he's in the mood!"
Iida tags along,
"Hey Todoroki! We're coming." I shouted, Todoroki turned his head and just watches as we come closer and sit down next to him.
"Great job with Yaoyorozu!" I said, Todoroki looks, "It's nothing." He says and looks down at the sand.
"No what you did was heroic! You should be praise! You have such potential to becoming a fine hero!" Iida says as he swings his arms around. Todoroki blushes and fidgets with the sand.
"Todoroki, when did you start dating Yaoyorozu?" I asked, I know it's sorta out of the blue, but you gotta start somewhere.
"Some time after my accident." He says,
"Well How'd you get into your accident? I know Yaoyorozu was there." I asked, I'm hoping to get as much information as possible right now.
"Well I- um....." Todoroki trembles.
Iida and I wait for an answer intensely.......
"I just sorta did what a hero is supposed to do and sorta jumped in, only I got stab pretty badly." Todoroki says,
"You know! Midoriya was quite worried about you, in fact he went to the hospital too!" Iida says, thanks for the embarrassment Iida!
"Oh." Todoroki says seeming a bit shocked, I'm a bit embarrassed but I'm gonna tell him about Yaoyorozu though,
"Yeah I was there! And Yaoyorozu was too! And She looked so worried! She look like she was crying and I think she really cares about you." I said,
Todoroki face seemed a happy by what I said, He smirks and continues to fidget with the sand.
"Well I'm glad, she cares for me." He says and blushes.
: Time Travel a Bit:
Our time at the beach is finally over.... we pack our stuff and head out, I wanted to asked Todoroki more, but he fell asleep as soon as we sat down. I can't tell Ashido anything, for Todoroki, and also cause I don't want to die.

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