All hope gone.

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Yaoyorozu POV
I've got it!
I look at all of them, they're all scared.
It's self sacrificing but it'll work.
My plan is to have them run away and I'll stay close in the back to make sure she doesn't come near.
"This is what Todoroki would probably do!" I say to myself, if I get hurt at least they're safe and the rest of the class is safe.
Toga is still looking around in one area and hasn't notice us yet, so try to tell them fast.
"Guys I have plan." I whisper,
"What is it Yaoyorozu?" Sato asks,
"You guys run ahead, Sato your quirk is limited, so I want you to only use your quirk at the more desperate moment. Hagakure, and Koda I want you guys to run away, don't look back keep running forward." I explain,
"What about you Yaoyorozu?" Hagakure asks,
"I'll stay behind all you guys keeping guard. We'll all stay in a line, Koda be in the front, Hagakure middle, Sato third, and me last. Does everyone agree with this plan." I asked, they nod,
"Yaoyorozu isn't that risky for you though?" Hagakure asks,
"This is all we have left let's go before she-" I hear a loud giggle,
"YAOYOROZU?! Is that you?! I haven't seen you in so long!!!" Toga saw us.
"Right!" Sato says, they all follow through the plan.
"I'll be right behind you!" I say to myself. I let them run ahead a little more and than started running for myself.
"Yaoyorozu!! Why are you running?! Don't you miss me?!" She says, she running up.
"Momo slow down! Don't let them get hurt!" I say to myself. I slow down a little bit but I keep running.
I felt a stab to the back on my right leg. I collapse.
"NOT NOW MOMO GET UP RUN!" I say to myself. I get up and try to run away, the pain is unbelievable,
"Todoroki is this what is like for you?" I start having flashbacks to when he got stab multiple times.
I can't think right, I've never been in so much pain, I can't create anything without being able to think,
"Just run Momo!" I remind myself, until I felt another stab to the back of my other leg, I collapsed again, I felt another stab, to my left arm, than to right. I can't move, it's so painful,
"Momo run! Momo run!" I try reminding myself, but I just can't do it, I can't move!
"Don't run away from me Yaoyorozu! I'll always catch you!" she says,
The pain! It's so painful I can't! I scream, until she covers my mouth,
"Yaoyorozu. Don't scream. Your boyfriend is not coming for you." She says,
For some reason I stop screaming and lose all hope, those words hit me hard,
"It's all done Momo..... your done." I give up hope, I realize no one is coming for me  that I'm all alone, no one cares about me.
"I'm dead."
Toga jumps on top me to make sure I don't move, I lay there my mind is blank and I know it's over for me.
I felt another stab.

Description POV
After this Yaoyorozu went blank, she had no hope left in her, she knew she was going to die here.
Toga sits on of her to make sure she doesn't move, her eyes are open but her mind is blank she doesn't flinch at all, Toga than stabs her with her a device which sucks out all the blood, Yaoyorozu doesn't move at all,
"Crap did I kill you?!" Toga panics, but hears still her breathing.
"Oh thanks god I didn't kill you!" Toga explains,
"I want you sleep now." Toga says in deep tone,
She holds Yaoyorozu neck tightly until she faints, Yaoyorozu makes small noises trying to catch her breath, but with all the blood lost it doesn't long for her to lose her breath and faint. Yaoyorozu eyes close and any tension she had let go, Toga let go, and started to remove the knifes from her arms and legs and picks her up to take her away, back to the League,
"What a lucky found I have today!" She says as she prances while carrying Yaoyorozu away.....

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