Just go back to studying!

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Yaoyorozu POV
I head to the table and look down at the food, the way he organized it made it look really cute, I smile and begin eating, I pause, Todoroki looks at me a bit worried,
"What's wrong? Is the food not good? I can change it?"
I put my hand up, and smile,
"Todoroki, this food is delicious! I've never had anything this good!" I said with smile, Todoroki makes a relief smile, his cheeks go completely red. We both continue eating and talking, both of us smiling the whole time.
We finished eating and head back to his room, we open up our books again and study some more. I can't stop thinking about how good the food was.
Halfway through our study, Todoroki stands up,
"What is it?" I asked
"Oh, I wondering if you wanted to take a shower?" He asked, I froze, "Do I smell bad or something?!" I begin feeling embarrassed, words begin jumping out of my mouth, "Why?! Do I smell bad?! I took a shower this morning?! Did I not-was-" Todoroki put his hand up, "Yaoyorozu There's nothing wrong, I was just wondering cause you've been here a while, and I was just wondering if you wanted too." Todoroki says calmly trying to calm me down,
"But anyways I'm gonna go take a shower real fast." Todoroki says and grabs some clothes from his dresser, "I'll be right back." Todoroki says as he walks down the haul to the shower. I go right back to studying, as I hear the shower running, I begin dazing off again, I begin imagining him in the shower, "Ew! Stop that Yaoyorozu, stop acting like Mineta!" I said to myself, "Just go back to studying! Yeah, stop thinking about him!" I said to myself, but when I try focusing on the book my mind goes to him, I put my hands on cheeks, "Yaoyorozu calm down! Stop thinking about him." I keep telling myself, as I panicked in my head, with my hands on cheeks, I didn't hear Todoroki end his shower.
"Yaoyorozu? What are you doing?"

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