The truth

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Todoroki POV
I kept on fighting "Camie" But no matter how many times I strike she keeps on dodging. I'll have to explain to Yaoyorozu later even if she does hate me........ I'll try.
"Just who are you anyway?" I said to this so called, "Camie"
"Oh I see you want to know more about me! I'm Toga! You want to know my name now....... Does that mean you want more from me?" She says, and she slowly melts out of this skin into another girl, this girl had two buns and some weird pumps on her back. She sneaks up behind me and stabs my shoulder, she than takes this weird pump from her back, and stabs me with that. I scream in pain and she giggles, "I see that your bleeding, sorry I couldn't help but take some of your precious blood!" She says with an evil smile. I notice this is my chance to strike her, I shot her with my fire, but in that small moment she dodge it and ran away. I collapsed on the floor one hand on my shoulder while having my other hand hold my hand. I open my phone and go to messages, "Cmon Yaoyorozu! Don't fall for it!" I scream, I begin feeling my heart pounding, I'm praying she doesn't fall for it, I'm now trying to call her, she doesn't pick up it leaves right to voice mail, "Shit! Shit! Shit!" I screamed. The other people came in, Bakugo, Inasa, Aizawa, etc. Aizawa runs over to me. He begins asking my questions and I'm taken to the hospital to check out my wounds.
Nothing that bad, so I'm let out as soon as they wrap my wounds I go back to school hoping to catch Yaoyorozu leaving, Sure enough she's there walking to leave home, her face seems very sad like if she was crying and she walked very sadly.
"Yaoyorozu!" She looks back with a face of angry and sadness.
"What Todoroki?! What do you want now from me?! I know what you did! You know what of course you know I know cause you were the one that sent it! I can't believe you!!" She says as she stares at me waiting for me to respond, nobody near by.
"Look Yaoyorozu, I wasn't the one who sent it, I'm not even cheating on you!! That was all fake!" I said as I walk towards her.
She looks at me even more mad,
"As if I fall for that! Your such a fool!" She screams at me.
I begin feeling my self crack inside, if I lose Yaoyorozu I swear that Toga girl won't live another day!
"Yaoyorozu! Let me explain..... look what happen was, I got into a fight with villain her name was Toga, she wanted to be my girlfriend but I told her I was taken so we started fighting, and she grab my phone create this illusion of me and pose with it took a picture and sent it to you. I'm sorry if you had to go through that pain, and if you never believe me that's fine. I just want you to know that it wasn't me." I said as I walked the opposite direction from her my back to her. I know that she is hurt from this and it's pretty hard to believe me, even though I'm telling the truth but since there's so many movies now, it's hard to believe me. I'm hoping that given time she will come back though that chance is very little. I feel my self hurting, knowing it might be over, I remember everything we had together, and I won't forget her smile. As I  walk away I say one last thing,
"And just to let you know. I wasn't joking when I said you in my future would be prefect."

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