Questions Answered.

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So currently I have no ideas to write at all even though I have so much time due to being locked up in the house cause of the virus.

Instead I'm going to answer questions I get asked a lot! Cause I don't have anything else better to do!
These are questions I get commonly asked so I would like to address them here to clear up the confusion.

Question 1: Why is Todoroki always asleep?
Well that's because I feel like it puts in good openings to add in cute moments.
Also because Todoroki sleeping is adorable.

Question 2: Why is my grammar so bad?
Ok no I don't literally asked this question but people are always pointing out grammar mistakes. I'm very sorry you have to suffer with my horrible grammar but that's because I was never really taught how to write, my teachers never really taught me and I was too embarrassed to tell my parents. Basically I'm self taught!

Question 3: It's always the same cycle, injured, hospital, date, jealously from others and repeat why?
Well that's because..... honestly idk! It just always happen that way, its not like if I'm planning for it to do that way but it does.

Anyways if I hope I answered some confusion! I'm sorry for not actually writing a new chapter. Please stay safe and healthy! :))))

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