Todoroki are you crazy!!?

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Yaoyorozu POV
Todoroki and I both head to a bench in the back of UA where nobody else comes, we both sit on a bench. I begin eating my lunch, Todoroki sits down next to me but doesn't eat.
"You sure you want to do this Todoroki?" I ask.
"Yeah I'm sure." He says as he looks around making sure nobody is around.
For some reason... I don't feel sure, I keep remembering what happen... that accident, the stress I felt, all the pain begins to build up, flashbacks, everything that happen during that time. I felt tears begin going down my face.
"Todoroki..... I... I.. I don't feel comfortable with you going on this mission." I said with tears going down my face, He looks at me confused, "Why not? I'm perfectly fine going." He says in the angry tone, "It's just that... well you remember what happen last mission.... you almost died! I.... I don't want that ever happening ever again! And you heard Mr. Aizawa, He says this guy is heavily equipped..... what if you die for real this time!?!!" I said. I stand up, "Todoroki are you crazy!!?" I said with anger, I feel myself getting more mad, he looks confused, his eyes wide. I sit back down. He looks confused, he sighs, "Well, I want to be hero right? Heroes go to rough things. I'll be fine!" he says with smile he puts his hand on my shoulder and hugs me, "but thank you Yaoyorozu, for caring about me." He says and smiles, "Well cmon. Let's go or we'll be late to class." He says and puts his hand out to help me up, I wipe off my tears and we begin to walk together to class.

Todoroki POV
Yaoyorozu, has been weird since we've left Mr. Aizawa. We go behind the school and sit on bench. We sat awkwardly next to each other not saying a word, I look around to see if anyone is around and than I hear a voice.
"You sure you want to do this Todoroki?"
"What?!! Of course I'm sure! What is she asking."
"Yeah I'm sure." I said, I'm confused by her question, "Of course I'm sure what's the big idea?!" I try to keep my cool.
"Todoroki..... I... I.. I don't feel comfortable with you going on this mission." I look back, "Shoto, keep your cool.... but what the hell?! What's the big idea here?!" I can't hold back I'm going to ask, "Why not? I'm perfectly fine going." I said.
"It's just that... well you remember what happen last mission.... you almost died! I.... I don't want that ever happening ever again! And you heard Mr. Aizawa, He says this guy is heavily equipped..... what if you die for real this time!?!!" I hear Yaoyorozu say, "I get the idea now... she's just worried about me." Yaoyorozu now stands up. I think now she's real angry at me.
"Todoroki are you crazy!!?" She says at last. She seems out of breaths and sort of collapses back down on the bench. I just watch her this whole time, I'm sort of, out of words to be honest. I could feel my eyes widen. Yaoyorozu begins crying, the only think I could of think of to say was, "Well, I want to be hero right? Heroes go to rough things. I'll be fine!" I said with a smile, I wrap my arm around her and hug her, "but thank you Yaoyorozu, for caring about me." I said and smile again, she seems to calm down, as we both sit on bench I begin to realize lunch might end soon, I get up, "Well cmon. Let's go or we'll be late to class." I said and gave my hand to Yaoyorozu to help her out, She wipes off her tears and we begin to walk to class together.

Ashido POV
"SEE GUYS!!!! I TOLD YOU THEY WERE A THING!" I said jumping up and down pointing at them as they walk away,
"Shhhh Ashido quiet down!" Ochaco said worried. Deku and Hagakure smirked. I grab my phone again and took another photo, "Send me that Ashido, please!" Hagakure said.

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