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Todoroki POV
It's been a few days since we've saved Yaoyorozu. I haven't been able to visit her due to her getting a fever and needed a lot of medical care. I'm worried but relieved that's she safe and not in danger any more.
The class was relieved too that she was safe, only Ashido did give me a few dirty looks and said,
"I guess we can't be a thing huh?"
I looked at her and said, "Nope and we never will and sorry I'm not interested in you."
Class begins like normal, and we do our normal hero class work. It's lunch time now.
"I heard Yaoyorozu is almost recovered maybe you should go and see her?" Iida says,
"I will." I said,
"You were the most worried, I remember you had these blacks bags under your eyes from not getting any sleep!" Midoriya says,
"Is that so?" I say,
"Yeah we can all tell your madly in-" Midoriya is about to continue before I shut him up.
"We get it. Stop telling the whole world about us, remember how Yaoyorozu didn't want a single person knowing." I say, Midoriya nods and I lift my hand from covering his mouth.
I sigh.

: Time Travel a Bit:

"Yaoyorozu is open for visits now." The nurse said on the phone.
"Alright, thank you." I say before hanging up, it's the weekend now and I'm laying in bed.
I'm going to visit Yaoyorozu today.
But first I gotta get her something, I get up and go find my sister.
"Hey, Fuyumi?" I asked,
"Yeah what's up?" She's says,
"I need help, you see I want to get Yaoyorozu something for recovering and I don't know what." I say,
"Maybe some flowers." She says,
"That's cheap! Rich girls want rich things!" Natsuo butts in, the one person, I didn't want to ask.
"Get her a diamond ring to mark that your gonna propose to her later." He says,
"Oh goodness why did he have to get involved?!" I ask myself,
"Shut up!" Fuyumi says before throwing a pillow at him.
"I can't take you sometimes! You know that?!" She says annoyed.
"Get her whatever you think she'll like." She says to me.
"Like your body!" Natsuo screams out before Fuyumi goes chasing after him with a pillow.
"Welp that didn't help at all." I think to myself.
I leave my house and go to store on my own, Yaoyorozu always like flowers and she also loves tea, I think I'll get her some of that.

: Time Travel a Bit:

I'm at the hospital now and I'm nervous, I haven't seen her in so long.
"Will she hate me for not saving her right away?" I asked myself, I take a deep breath. I shake as I try and open the hospital door. I slowly open it.
I see her, her hair is down, she has bandages covering her arms.
"Hello?" I quietly say.
She looks my way,
"Todoroki? Is that you?" She asks,
I walk up more closely,
"I'm here." I say.
She looks at me shocked. I stand there just smiling.
"Todoroki!!!" She gasps and says before hugging me. I lose my balance and fall right into her bed.
"It's you! It's really you!" She says so happily. All my nightmares from her with all the cuts and blood are suddenly lifted and I'm so happy.
I hug her back.
"I'm so glad I'm with you again." I say before hugging her back.
We hug for a long time before I slowly let go and show her the stuff I got her.
"Here.... I didn't know what you might have wanted, but I got you this." I say handing her the flowers and the bag which is filled with different teas.
I look up and notice a bunch of other huge presents so now I feel cheap. She opens the bag,
She gasps,
"I love it!! She says.
"Thank you!! This is my favorite tea how did you know?!!" She says so happily. She now looks at the flowers,
"What?!!!" She says shocked, worried me panics,
"ARE THEY NOT YOUR FAVORITE?!! I panicked and asked,
She shakes her head and laughs.
"These are my favorite too! How did you know?!!" She asks with a giggle.
"Yaoyorozu...." I say before kissing her.
I slowly back up.
She looks up at me and smiles,
"Todoroki you saved me didn't you?" She asks,
"No the whole class pitched in we were all worried." I say.
"I've made you worried didn't I?" She asks,
"It's all my fault, I've made you worry about me. I've made you like that. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry.... if only I've been stronger...." she says before crying.
"Yaoyorozu don't cry. You made me worry but that's on me, and your plenty strong. Your strongest person I know." I say trying to lighten her up,
"And besides I make you worry the most. Everything I do makes you worry, because I'm so stupid and careless." I say, I sit on the side of the bed.
"But Todoroki I almost died." She says,
"So did I, remember when I was in a coma how worried you were. I was most likely not gonna make it." I say
"Todoroki I'm sorry. I-" she about to begin but I stop her.
"Listen Yaoyorozu, I've been in so much danger and life threatening situations and all it done for you is make you worry, I've never repaid you for that. I've never done anything for you back, I'm sorry. Consider this a thank you for your caring loving spirit." I say, she looks up and wipes off her tear, she leans over and hug me,
"Thank you." She says.

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