Acts Mature and Calm

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Yaoyorozu POV
Todoroki and I are now back at school, he's a 100% healed, I'm glad, we take our seats in class.
Ashido walks up,
"So, did you make out with him to make him feel better?" She asks with an evil smirk,
"WHAT?! Oh goodness no! Where have your mind been? And no we haven't had any interaction since he got sick!" I say, a flashbacks comes in my head of when he was showering.
"At least I'm not one with a secret boyfriend!" She said as she pranced away.
"Ashido!" I say and roll my eyes, Todoroki grabbed my hand,
"It's gonna be alright." He said with a smile, that smile was so cute.
Todoroki let's go of my hand and look away like if nothing happen as soon as Iida came up to him.
I smirked and look out the window.
Class begins.
Mr. Aizawa walks in,
"Guys we have another training trip we're gonna go to coming next week."
Everyone cheers, I'm excited too, I look over at Todoroki who stares blank, I smirk, "Usual."

Class ends, Todoroki and I go out to lunch together.
"Aren't you excited?! We're going to another camp!" I say with a smile.
He lightly smiles, he doesn't seem ok.
"Hey you alright?" I say, I brush his hair out of his face.
"Huh? Oh yeah....." he's says in a sad tone,
"Hey what's wrong? You can't hide it." I say seeing his expression which is very obvious,
"I'm just worried, that's all." He says truthfully,
"Worried about what?" I'm confused by what he means by that.
"Everything, I'm just worried about what happened last time, don't you remember? It ended out so bad, the villains came, the gas attacks everything." He says,
"Oh yeah that..." I say remembering everything and the fear. We both don't say anything just in fear about the last time. I try to change the mood.
"It's not going to be that bad, we're prepared this time." I say and smile.
He smiles, this time a happy smile.
"Let's eat now, I think your right, it's gonna be fine." He says and smirks.

:Time Travel a Bit:

It's finally the day of the camp, I get my bags and load them into the bus.
Todoroki and I don't make any interactions, Ashido been more creepy than usual. We slowly load into the bus. I'm in line right in front of Todoroki.
"Don't look back. Don't look back." I say to myself, I feel so wrong but Ashido.....
"Yaoyorozu, you excited?" I hear Todoroki asked,
"Huh?! Oh yeah!!" I say sheepishly, I didn't realize he would say anything.
He smiles, my face turns extremely hot, I feel like when I don't see his smile in while, my heart can't take it.
"Great." He says and looks ahead, like if we never talked when Ashido comes,
"Hmmm..... Yaoyorozu stop flirting and confess!" She says and laughs,
"What?!!!" I say playing the act. Todoroki stares away like if he doesn't hear.
"You guys are adorable, best couple. Weather you want to admit it or not." She says and skips away, Hagakure follows.
"She's weird lately." Todoroki says before Aizawa comes and starts loading us on the bus.
"Alright, now pick bus partners." He says,
Jirou grabs my hand,
"Hey, wanna be partners?" She asks with smile, Jirou has always been a really close friend of mine so of course I say yes.
"Yes let's!" I say with smiles, I see Todoroki looks and than turns away, I feel bad for not being his partner but it would be too suspicious, plus he should spend time with his friends,
"Todoroki wanna be my partner?" Midoriya asks him,
"Oh ok." Todoroki says quietly to him.
We start to aboard the bus, Jirou and I talk like if we haven't seen each other in ages in makes me really happy talking to her again we haven't talked in so long I've missed her, she smiles and laughs it's really happy time.

Midoriya POV
I finally can talk to Todoroki again, Yaoyorozu is with Jirou so I can talk with him without interruption, Iida is busy yelling and scolding the class about anything that he doesn't agree with.
"Todoroki how are you feeling? you were so sick before" I asked him trying to create a conversation so I can ask him about Yaoyorozu, I really want to tell him about the camera incident but I'm not sure if he'll tell Yaoyorozu, he probably wouldn't, but still............
I'm gonna tell him.
"I'm doing fine. That was a while ago Midoriya." He says seeming a bit annoyed he probably got asked that a lot.
"You know Yaoyorozu stayed by you even when you were asleep." I tell him.
"Is that so? I felt like she did." He says seeming a bit more into the conversation at the moment I said Yaoyorozu.
"Yeah she was, she was really worried." I continued,
"I know she was, you know she came over to my house and took care of me. Even spent the night." He says,
My mind goes into the gutter.
I looked with a bright smile hinting if they did that....
He gives me this glare that was super scary I stop.
"Midoriya." That's all he says which is enough to get me scared to death.
"I'll stop." I said to get this scary energy away,
"Todoroki, I have to tell something really important!" I say, I'm sorry Yaoyorozu, I can't hold it in anymore.
"Yeah what?" Todoroki says unamused,
"While you were sick and asleep, Yaoyorozu attempted to take a picture of you!" I confess,
"There I said it!!!" I say to myself a bit proud.
Todoroki's eyes widen, I think he's just trying to take it in.
"Um I- she did- I'm at a lost for words." Todoroki says and smirks,
"I got him to smirk!" I'm again, proud of myself.
"I wouldn't think she would do that. That's so cute, she's always acting so mature and calm in front of me to hear that she did that makes me happy knowing that she has that side to her." He says and looks out the window.
That was the most beautiful speech I've ever heard, Todoroki really does love her that makes me happy. I look up at him and already notice he's taking a nap,
"Does all he ever do is sleep?!" I ask myself, but I really hope their relationship lasts it's just so prefect.

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