So you and Todoroki?

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Yaoyorozu POV
Todoroki and I had such an amazing time at lunch, and nobody even notice. It was just Todoroki and I.
:Time Travel A Bit:
Hagakure walked into class, she walks over to me, "Yaoyorozu I'm going to the gym after school wanna come?" She asks, I have no plans, I'll go. "Sure!" I say with a smile, "Great! See you then!" She walks over to her desk. I smile and look out the window as Todoroki walks in. He smirks and me, I smile back, I notice my cheeks feel very warm. I put my head down praying Hagakure doesn't notice. I begin to read a book, on materials.

Hagakure POV
I want to see if Yaoyorozu will spill it, so I'm going to "invite her to gym with me." So I can get it out of her, and than go tell the, Mina and the others about it.
:Time travel a bit:
I'm at the gym with Yaoyorozu, I use my key to unlock the door and we begin to walk in Yaoyorozu follows. I pick up weights. Yaoyorozu waits for me. "Thanks for coming Yaoyorozu!" I say with smile. "Of course Hagakure!" She says with a smile. We begin talking about her favorite types of tea, and then I bring it up, "So you and Todoroki?" I ask trying to be sly, she gasps, "What?!" She says really loud, "Wha..what would make you think that?" She says extremely worried, I don't want her to know I know, so I'm gonna sound like she shows it in class and stuff. "Oh cmon! The way you look at him in class, and your face when you came back from the accident, it's seems you must really..... LOVVVVE HIMMMMM." I said, with smirk, I know I'm getting to her. "No way!" She says with her cheeks eternally red, she takes a breath, "There's nothing between us, we're just friends, and my face after the accident was like that cause I worried about him, Hagakure, he was stab!" She says with anger, I know she's trying to hide it from me. I smile and try to act like the good person a trusting person hoping she'll tell me then, "Ok Yaomomo. I'm sorry for annoying you!" I say with laugh, she smiles. But doesn't say anything. I begin changing the subject knowing so won't get anything out of her. "That was such a loss!"

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