Be her prince!

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Ashido POV
Yaoyorozu just fainted!!!!
I don't know what to do!!!!
"Did I push to hard?! Or is it a heat stroke."
This is all my fault! All the girls begin to huddle around Yaoyorozu, Ochaco touches her forehead.
"Yaoyorozu burning up!" She says in panic, "Get Mr. Aizawa!" Ochaco says, But if they do, it'll probably get me involved. I stand up, "No stop, I'm sure we can just get her cold and it should be ok!" I said, but than I pause and remember my own words.
"Cold. Cold. Cold! Todoroki!"
I think of the brightest idea, and the prefect Todoroki and Yaoyorozu moment!
"Should we get cold water? We don't even have a bucket Wait! Where are the-" I put my hand up in front of Ochaco, "Guys I've got a great idea! And a prefect Todoroki and Yaoyorozu moment coming your way!" I said with wink. All the girls look at me confused, "Forget about that! Yaoyorozu is burning up! We need to help her!" Ochaco says in panic, "Fear not!" I said, "I'll have Todoroki, her prince save her!" I said with smile. Ochaco looks down at Yaoyorozu who is laying in the sand. I walk over to her. I put her hands on her stomach like a sleeping princess, "Don't worry Yaoyorozu! Your prince will save you! Don't worry!" I said and ran off to find Todoroki.
I found Todoroki siting by the water with Iida and Midoriya, I run up and begin telling him why I need him, "Todoroki! Oh thank god I found you." I said catching my breath, Todoroki looks at me with his plain look, "What is it?" He asks,
"It's Yaoyorozu! She suffering a heat stroke right now, and needs someone to cool her down, she burning up! Please we need your ice!" I beg, Todoroki eyes widen, Midoriya and Iida look him, He stands up,
"Let's go." He says and begins running to the gazebo, "Alright Mina! We got him!"
I cheer to myself, until I hear Midoriya voice,
"Don't you dare ruin it Midoriya!"
"Todoroki take this!" He throws Todoroki a water gun, I begin imagining Todoroki running up to Yaoyorozu with a water gun and shooting her to death with the water gun. Todoroki takes the water gun, than throws it and keeps on running,
"Oh my gosh Todoroki!" I said and try to catch up, but he wouldn't stop running,
"He really does care for her." I said to myself.
We finally made it to Yaoyorozu.
Ochaco and the others circle around her,
"Todoroki we need you!" Ochaco cries, Todoroki looks down, his face turn to even more shock as he looks at Yaoyorozu. Todoroki goes down on his knees and places Yaoyorozu on his lap, all the girls put their hands on their cheeks, "Awwww" all the girls said as we watch this super cute moment happen. Todoroki begins creating ice on his palm and than places his palm on Yaoyorozu chest, "Nice move Todoroki!" I said referring to his hand on her chest, Todoroki face turns red, "I have to. It's the only way to cool her down." He says and turns his head the opposite way so I wouldn't see him blushing. He than move his hand to her forehead, Iida and Midoriya finally catch up,
"Todoroki! We finally caught up and-" Midoriya and Iida stoped, noticing Yaoyorozu on Todoroki's lap with his hand on forehead and all the girls with their hands on their cheeks.
Yaoyorozu eyes slowly open, everyone watches in silent,
"Todoroki? Is that you?" She asks,
We all watch intensely........
"Oh Todoroki, Todoroki...... Todoroki?!!!" She jumps up, looks and notices everyone watching, she looks and realizes she on Todoroki's lap.
"Huh?!! What happen? What's going on?"
She asks totally confused but don't worry I'll explain.
"Yaoyorozu, thank goodness your awake, you fainted and got a really bad heat stroke so we asked Todoroki to cool you off." I said,
"You should thank him he saved you."
Yaoyorozu looks up at Todoroki,
"Ummm, thank you." She says and begins blushing. She slowly moves out of his lap.
"Yeah sure." Todoroki said plainly, but blushing as well. Todoroki gets up, wipes off the sand and walks away, Iida and Midoriya followed.
"Ooooh Yaoyorozuuuu." I said with wink.
Yaoyorozu puts her hands on her cheeks,
"This is so embarrassing...." She says, her face completely red.
"Well we're glad your ok, we were really worried." Ochaco said,
"But thank god Todoroki saved you!" I said, Yaoyorozu blushes some more.
"Do I see some blushing?" I asked Yaoyorozu as I point at her cheeks, but than Ochaco steps in, "Well duh! Of course she blushing! Who wouldn't start blushing when having a boy save you!" She says, "I thought you were on my side Ochaco!" I say to myself,
"I wish none of this of happened.... it's so embarrassing.." she says as she covers her face with her hands, but than I know the prefect thing to say to make her admit it, "It's must be embarrassing having your crush save you!" I said, I'm not saying boyfriend cause that's more easy to deny, but having a crush is harder to deny........

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