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Ok, so I was thinking about writing the whole entire bank experience but than I realize it would be a waste of time cause it's basically the same thing from the beginning of this fanfic only instead of Todoroki going into a coma it's Yaoyorozu, so it would be waste time. So instead I just change it to them successfully getting the bad guy.
Basically they succeeded and yeah... the next part I'm planning to be a good part so.... let's begin to a new Todomomo adventure! Oof that sounded so cheesy.. but I don't care.

Also I'm gonna admit

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Also I'm gonna admit..... I get a lot of inspiration from different people's fan art sooooo that's why the fan art always matches the story sometimes if you ever wonder that! Ehhhhhhh..... I just ruined the magic..... sorry... also all the art I use is not mine so all credit goes to them and their amazing work

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