Your safe now I'm here.

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Todoroki POV
We've made it to the room,
"We made it." Midoriya says catching his breath,
"There's a lock we should be able to pop is open." Jirou says,
"Todoroki beak it with your ice!" Ochaco says to me, I break it almost immediately,
We're about to open the door but Mr. Aizawa warns,
"Be prepared for anything. It might be a trap got it?!" He asks us we nod and prepare for the worst.
I open the door........
Everyone gasps.
Yaoyorozu is on the ground unconscious, cuts and blood every where, she was dehydrated, her hair was done and messy,
"Guys this could be a trap." Mr. Aizawa says, and walks over to her.
He puts his hand on her forehead,
"Well...... is that her?" Ochaco asks,
"It's her. She's alive but dead cold, we should get her some medical care very soon." Mr. Aizawa,
I'm mortified to what I see if front of me,
"What did they do to you?" I asked myself,
I'm relieved that she's alive but mortified to what's happened to her.
I want to hold her again, she's right in front of me.
I can't take it I run over and hug her so tight,
"Yaoyorozu, your safe, it's ok I'm here." I say as I hug her tight. She's unconscious so there's no response, I tightly hug her, the girls go crazy,
"Todoroki your so cute!" The girls say,
"She's safe now I'm glad." Midoriya says.
"Todoroki.......?" I hear a small voice,
I let go my grip a bit to see Yaoyorozu's face, her eyes are slightly open and she's breathing heavy.
"Your here...." she's says,
"We came to rescue you. Your safe now I'm here. Rest now." She falls asleep again as soon as I say that.
"Let's get out of here!" Sato says,
"Right!" Ochaco says, we all start to leave this hell.
I carry Yaoyorozu back, everyone walks ahead.
I stop and just stand as everyone continues walking out.
I'm so relieved she's with me again.
"Yaoyorozu." I say before kissing her.
"You guys need to get marry!" I hear Midoriya say,
"Shit I forgot he was behind me!" I say to myself, but it's such a happy moment and he knows about us so I don't care if he just saw. When we finally left this hell, an ambulance was waiting outside.
The medics run over to me and take Yaoyorozu in their car. I watched as they drove away. I fall on my knees,
"Todoroki?!" Midoriya panics,
"Are you all right?!" Ochaco says,
I break a smile.
"Yaoyorozu is back and safe I'm glad." I say.
"She sure is!" Ochaco says with a smile.

Midoriya POV
When we found Yaoyorozu I was horrified to what I saw, she looked like she was tortured to death. She probably was. I can't imagine what Todoroki was thinking.
We wait intensely for Mr. Aizawa response,
"It's her. She's alive but dead cold, we should get her some medical care very soon."
I look over at Todoroki for his reaction, but instead he runs over and hugs her.
"Awww" I think to myself they're so cute.
The girls all fan girl over this moment.

We're now leaving this place and I'm right next to Todoroki who's carrying Yaoyorozu. Everyone else continues walking out further ahead, Todoroki stops a just stands there,
"Hey you al-"
"Yaoyorozu." He says before kissing her.
"Awwww" they're so cute.
"You guys need to get marry!" I say, I've been waiting to say that for a long time.
He looks at me surprised I don't think he knew I was still here. He shrugs at me and continues walking.
Today was a good day! We saved Yaoyorozu.

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