Im sorry.

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Yaoyorozu POV
Todoroki comes up to me and begins telling me what happen, but for some reason I don't believe I want to, but I can't. That photo can't be fake, how can it.
Somebody's quirk that can make Illusion of others?! That sounds so fake. He tells me everything, but it's still hard to believe him. Until he turn the opposite direction from me, his back to my face, as he walks away he tells me this,
"And just to let you know. I wasn't joking when I said you in my future would be prefect."
That was the last thing he said as he began walking away, I felt myself shatter, cause I know he wasn't lying there, I knew that he was leaving me, maybe to give me time or forever.
I felt tears going down my face, I run up behind him, and hug him. He froze but and raise his arms up in shock that I was even hugging him.
"I'm sorry Todoroki! I'm sorry for not believing you! But now I do! I do! Todoroki I'm sorry for being such a fool and acting like I was right, but now I know! I know! Your not lying. Todoroki I love you so much."
That last sentence accidentally slipped out.

Author Note:
Sorry this part was very cringy and lame. I'm sorry it's just I want to get this part over with, so I cut it short but I still wanted it to be sorta interesting, also I had no idea what image to use for the top....soooo yeah...... guys I'm really sorry how this chapter turn out..... (cough, cough)..... trash...

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