Plans for the beach!

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Yaoyorozu POV
We've final finished all of our testing, as a reward, the teachers plan on taking us to the beach.
"Alright class, now for the ground rules while we're at the beach." Mr. Aizawa began,
"Rule #1, now running off, we'll be creating boundaries around the beach that you'll be able to go, don't want anyone to wandering off and getting lost."
I start to get a sad thinking that Todoroki and I can't have time with each other cause we can't hide anywhere.
"Rule #2 Know your limit if it's too deep and you might drown so, swim back to somewhere more shallow. Even if there's something really cool further out, I don't want to be responsible for your death." Mr. Aizawa looks at Mineta as he says this. I smirk, as well as all the other girls.
Mr. Aizawa tells us the other rules and than says, "We'll be going Friday. So be prepared." He says and walks out, giving us the signal that it's lunchtime. Todoroki and I wait for everyone else to leave as usual and then leave together.
We sit down and begin eating our lunch, we start talking about the beach.
"To bad we can't hang out at the beach Friday." I began
"But if we did, we would be caught and never hear the end of it." Todoroki said.
"You do have a point." I added
"But we can always go to the beach by ourselves another day." Todoroki mentioned,
"That would be fun! I said.

Mina Ashido
Why Mr. Aizawa?! Why can't we go run off! Now I don't get a chance to Yaoyorozu and Todoroki together! I walk to the lunch table, Ochaco, Midoriya, Iida, and Hagakure were already there, I sit down next to Hagakure.
I sigh,
"What's up Ashido? Why are you feeling down." Hagakure asked,
"Now I can't experience any Todoroki and Yaoyorozu moments!" I said. I rub off my tears, but then I think of an idea,
"GUYS!!!! What if, we girls have a big confession circle and than we force it out her!" I said, but than Iida says, "What's so good about Yaoyorozu telling you if you already know?" Iida asks, Hagakure bumps in, "Cause Iida! It's just cuter for them to say it, cause then we get to know their perspective of it!" I nod, agreeing with Hagakure.
Midoriya listens in the back quietly,
"Midoriya don't think your off the hook!" I said, cause I got a really important job for him!
"Your going to make Todoroki tell you." Midoriya jumps, "Huh?! Why me?! Todoroki is going to kill me!" Midoriya begins to try to make excuses until Ochaco jumps in, "Come on Deku! Think about it! Having Todoroki talking about love is like a one time in life time moment!" Ochaco says, Midoriya sighs and finally agrees.
I can't wait till Friday!

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