Tell Her!

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Todoroki POV
"Ummmm... um."
I don't know to tell her, this is something I don't share with people. My past. I left that behind. I start remembering again, all those memories, That piece of garbage, Mother, everything.
"Todoroki? Are you okay." I felt a hand on my shoulder, it's Yaoyorozu's hand, I grab it, like if it's a lifesaver saving me from sinking me back to my past. I take a breath, she rubs my shoulder, "You okay?" I look and take another breath, "Yeah, just got a bad flashback." She seems confused but is still trying to calm me down. I don't want her to worry about me like she did while I was in a coma, I don't want her going through that again. "You can sit down I'm fine." She looks and lift her hand off my shoulder and sits down beside me, "So what happen?" She says calmly, I take a breath, "What happen was, my father didn't treat my mother and I very well, and it's very complicated from there but, my mother had boiling water and she burned me." Yaoyorozu froze  looked shocked by my response, all she can say is, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Todoroki! I should've never asked!" She began crying, "Was really my response that bad?!" I began thinking to myself, I tried making my response to her short, but I did not know it would make her feel bad! I walked over to her, tears were pooling on her face she kept sniffling, "You did nothing wrong Yaoyorozu. Don't blame yourself for a simple question. Your an amazing person and I don't want you to cry for asking a question." I told her, I don't what to say really, I just want to calm her down. I open my arms and hug her, she began crying some more.

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