There's Something I Need To Ask You

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Yaoyorozu POV
"Yes?" I said to Todoroki calmly I hold the gate, Todoroki looks nervous, and then turns his head the other way. His cheeks are red.

Todoroki POV
"Yes?" Yaoyorozu says, she leaves her hand on the gate. I'm so nervous, I turn my head the other way hoping for her not to notice me blushing.
"What is it?" She says, seeming a bit worried. I have to do it, I have to ask her.
"Yaoyorozu. I've been wanting to ask you if.... um... you... ith... mmmm... me "Cmon stop mumbling say it like a normal human." I think to myself and I ask again, "Yaoyorozu, will you go out me?" I asked, I hear no answer.
It's just silent.

"I would love too, Todoroki."

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