We are going to get her back.

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Todoroki POV
The training course was easy, I finished it early with my group and we waited at where we're supposed to meet up once finished. I sit there completely bored staring into space, Until I see Yaoyorozu's group running back insanely fast, I look at them confused,
"We've made it back!!" Sato shouts,
"We're safe!" Hagakure says as she collapses to the floor.
"Hey guys......?" Koda looks at them scared,
"Yeah Koda?" Hagakure says,
"Where's Yaoyorozu?" He asks,
"Right behind us duh!" Sato says,
"Shit where's Yaoyorozu?!" I begin to panic to myself,
"What's up with them?!" I start to wonder.
"Um she's not." Koda says,
I stand up, "Shoto calm yourself! It's not like if there's villains here." I try to stay calm I watch and listen to their conversation,
"She's not! Oh no don't tell me?!!!" Hagakure cries,
"WHATS GOING ON?!" I shout, I can't hold back anymore, what the hell happened to her?!
"Todoroki!!!" Hagakure cries,
"There was this villain and it was coming up after us so Yaoyorozu came up with this plan and to get us away and she said she would be right behind us and and and!!!!" She takes a few breaths, "she's not here!!! Yaoyorozu is not here!!!!" Hagakure confesses and cries,
"Yaoyorozu kidnap?! By a villain?!!!" I panic to myself now some more.
"Guys she's probably still coming." Sato says having doubts, I felt a bit of anger towards Sato attitude towards the situation I pull his shoulder back,
"WHY DIDN'T YOU PROTECT HER!!??" I scream at Sato,
"Dude I'm sorry she said she would be fine!" Sato cries,
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry....." Sato starts crying, I'm full of rage,
"Hagakure. Sato. Koda. We're going back." I command,
"Back?!!! Right now?!! What if the villain is still there?!!" Hagakure cries,
"I don't care. We're going back to find her." I say and start walking down the path they came from.
"I'm coming." Sato says, if it wasn't for Yaoyorozu's sake I would've beat the living shit out all of them.
"So where did you guys run from?" I ask, they answer in fear.
"Over here!" Hagakure says and guides me, we begin walking that path. We walk in silence.

Hagakure gasps, Sato stops in his tracks, and Koda says, "Don't tell me...''
There right in front of us was a splatters of blood on the dirt. There was foot prints too, heals, Yaoyorozu's heals.
The dirt look a bit disheveled like if there was struggle,
"Yaoyorozu is......'' Koda begins, "Don't jump to conclusion yet!" Hagakure cries.
I'm mortified....
"Yaoyorozu! Yaoyorozu!!! Yaoyorozu!!!" I fall on my knees and put my hands on my face.
"Oh Todoroki....." Hagakure says in a sad tone,
"She's gone. She's really gone. SHE'S GONE!!!" I scream, Her voice goes through my head,
"I would love too, Todoroki."
"While you were in a coma I.... I..... I kissed you."
"I could be apart of that future, if you call that a prefect future."
Her voice stops in my head, she's all gone, her smile, everything is gone.
"YAOYOROZU!!!" I scream.
"Todoroki please!" Hagakure cries,
"Your making it worse!" She cries at me.
I felt a pat on my shoulder. I look up, it's Mr. Aizawa.
"We'll get her back." He calms me.
"You heard everything, didn't you?" Hagakure asks with tears in her eyes.
"Yes I did, I'm horribly sorry, for everything, it's horrible another student has gotten kidnap, it's horrible how it's always at a camp. But Todoroki please calm yourself." He goes down on his knees and puts his hand on my shoulder,
"We'll get her back promise, and she'll be alive." He promises,
"Better not break that." I say.
"I won't now let's head back." He says and lends me a hand up, I stand up on my own.
We head back and everyone is in the meeting spot we were supposed to go to once we completed the task. Only no one is cheerful, everyone is depressed, and worried about Yaoyorozu.
The girls are crying, the guys have their heads down.
"Guys put your heads up, that's what Yaoyorozu would want. She's not even dead yet, and your acting like if she died." Mr. Aizawa explains,
"But Sir the blood?!" Hagakure says,
"She's fine. She's too valuable to kill. They wouldn't do it." He assures us.
"Keep your heads up. We're getting her back, starting from when we return back to school, we're going to find her as soon as possible understood?" Aizawa asks the class, everyone heads lifted up and the whole class cheers, While everyone else was cheering I started to walk out.
I can't take it right now. I'm so worried and stressed I can't even explain it, I don't care if the whole class is going to work together to get her back, I want her back now, I want her with me now. I don't know where she is, I don't even know if she's alive I don't know anything, I lean on the side of camp room building realizing I know nothing. I hear footsteps walk up,
"Hey Todoroki can we talk?" I look up,
It's Mina Ashido.

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