Cute little apron with kittens on it

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Yaoyorozu POV
I can't stop looking at him.....
"Cmon go to bed already Yaoyorozu!"
I can't stop looking at him.
He's dead asleep though, nothing embarrassing will happen now.
The more I look at him, the later the nights gets.
I felt my eyes closing. I slowly fall asleep.
: Time Travel a Bit:
It's morning now, I wake up, and the sun is shining through the window.
When I go to get up, I felt something on my hand. 
I turn my head, looking for what I'm feeling on my hand.
It's Todoroki's hand.
My face turns super warm, I start sweating,
"Oh gosh! How long have we've been holding hands?!"
Todoroki is still sleeping, this guy can sure sleep.
I feel bad for moving my hand but I'm going to do it anyways before he wakes up. I lightly move my hand, I grab my phone, and texts Mother saying I'll be home later today. I put my phone back down and lay in bed waiting for Todoroki to wake up.
It's taking a long time, I guess I'll sleep in a little while longer.....
I wake up again, and look next to me and notice Todoroki is gone, I get up and look around the his room, nobody is here. I jump out of bed, I smell food.
"Is Todoroki cooking breakfast?"
I begin imagining him in little apron cooking.
I slap myself,
"Stop it! Oh my gosh Yaoyorozu!"
I say to myself and walk over to the kitchen,
Just what I imagine.....
Todoroki was wearing a cute little apron with kittens on it and was cooking.
I lean on the side of the wall and just watch him. He's truly is adorable, I watch him, until he turned around and jumped,
"Oh! Yaoyorozu! I-I-I just started cooking breakfast for us......" Todoroki said completely embarrassed, I giggle.
"Todoroki, that's so cute! Your so sweet!" I said, Todoroki looks down completely embarrassed, he jumps again and rips off his apron,
"Awww bummer! He took off his apron! But he looked so cute." I thought to myself. Todoroki looks at me his face completely red, "Look..... it's not what it looks like, I-I-I was just doing what I usually do whe-" He begins, I walk over to him and put my finger on his lips, "Your fine Todoroki! Everything your doing is just fine, don't feel embarrassed! Don't ever feel embarrassed around me." I told him with smile, he smiles and looks the opposite direction still embarrassed. He turns around and continues cooking.
The food is finish and again it's delicious. We finished and I begin grabbing my stuff preparing to leave before my mom gets worried, I wait at the door holding Todoroki's hoodie, Todoroki comes up, dressed up super hot. He puts on his shoes, and when he's finishes he stands up and looks at my arms holding my study books and his hoodie,
"Here Todoroki, your hoodie. Thanks for letting me stay over. I had so much fun! Oh yeah, here's your hoodie." I said with big smile, I truly did have a lot fun.
We begin walking back, my arm wrapped around his arm, I lean on his shoulder as we walked back to my house, when we get to my house I hug him and thank him again, he smiles and says, "Yaoyorozu, thank you for being the best girlfriend I could ever ask for."

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