The start of the plan

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Yaoyorozu POV
It's Friday and beach day!
Mr. Aizawa, leads us to the bus to load up for the beach, I pack my gazebo, some chairs, an umbrella, and ten bottles of sunscreen. Don't want anyone to get burnt! Everyone looks at me confused,
"Umm, Yaoyorozu? Are you sure that you needed this much stuff? Cmon it's just the beach." Jirou says, everyone looks at me, I start feeling a bit embarrassed. Until I hear Todoroki,
"She's just prepared for the beach. It's not a big deal."
For some reason when I heard him say that, I felt relief.
Mr. Aizawa finally came out, and began loading us on the bus, as I was walking to the bus, Ashido jumped next to me,
"Hey Yaoyorozu! Let's sit next to each other!" She says with smile, though she does seem weird but whatever, behind us we're Ochaco and Asui, Jirou and Hagakure followed behind them, and across from us and further down was Todoroki and Midoriya. I would have much rather sat with Todoroki, but it's still a secret between us. Besides I should spend time with my friends too.

Ashido POV
As we wait for Mr. Aizawa to let us into the bus, the whole class looks at Yaoyorozu with all her stuff, People begin talking to each other about how she over packed, I look at Midoriya who is standing next to Todoroki, I do the signal to Midoriya,
(Holding up my hand to look like half of a heart)
He puts his hand up putting in the other half of the heart.
"Cmon Midoriya! Give it your best shot!"

Midoriya POV
So Ashido gave me the signal.......
"Should I do this! I don't want Todoroki mad at me! What if I say something and it offends him! And than what?! What happens then?! If I fail this I could ruin everything! I'm the only guy who can talk to Todoroki, who's knows about their relationship, well he doesn't know I know. If I fail we may have to relay on Iida which is horrible! Cause Iida bad at that kind of stuff, well at least worst than me."
I take a deep breath,
"Ok I have a plan! Just stick to it!"
I tell myself and began........
"Hahaha, it's funny how Yaoyorozu brought so much stuff!" I said, I'm trying not to talk to mean about Yaoyorozu cause she's still my friend, I just want Todoroki to slip something.
"Mm." Todoroki said, only that was it!
"Dam! How am I gonna do this!" I said to myself. Then I think of the prefect idea!
"I'm sorry Yaoyorozu!"
"But Todoroki! I mean like look! That's a lot of stuff that she does not need! I bet she just trying to show off her money by bringing all this stupid stuff!" I said to Todoroki, I feel really bad for saying all of this, but I got Todoroki's attention now.
Todoroki eyes glare at me, I know he exploding on the inside,
"Cmon! Cmon!" I felt myself getting jittery.
"I think it's just fine, and no, Yaoyorozu isn't like she isn't a rich snob or else I've wouldn't have as-" Todoroki caught himself, I got him, I felt myself celebrating inside, Ashido will be so proud,
"Never mind." He said calmly trying to cover up his mistake. But still everyone is still looking at Yaoyorozu, I look up at Todoroki, again he's exploding inside, he finally says something to the whole class.
"She's just prepared for the beach. It's not a big deal." He says, I know he's trying to act calm and cool, he's trying to make people not get ideas that they're a thing.

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