How am I ever going to sleep now?!

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Yaoyorozu POV
I smile at Todoroki, as we look at the stars together, his arm wrap around me.
But I'm still freezing.
I begin shivering a bit, and Todoroki looks at me, he moves his arm that was wrapped around me and begins taking off his hoodie,
"Here." He says as he hands me his hoodie, I jumped, I can't believe he would give me his hoodie,
"It's ok! Todoroki, but thank you." I said, I feel bad for making him feel like he has to give it to me.
"No, your shivering, you could get sick. Take it. I insist." He says.
I begin putting on his hoodie, I feel my cheeks get warm, I can't believe I'm wearing his hoodie, it's so big and soft. Todoroki, again wraps his arm around me, I begin feeling my body lean on him.
We then sit there, for about an hour, pointing at stars, talking and blushing.
: Time Travel a Bit:
We sit in his room now, it's 11:00 at night. Todoroki laid down on his bed, I sit on the floor next to him,
"Yaoyorozu...... ummmm.... you can....slee...leee.. sleep... wi....thhhhhh.... me."
My heart begins pounding,
My stomach begins feeling tense,
"It's ok, I can sleep in the living room." I said, feeling pretty bummed that I'm missing on a prefect experience.
"Oh ok........ I know this may sound weird....... but..... I kinda want you... toooooo.... sleep here..... with... me." Todoroki says,
My heart begins pounding harder,
My stomach is now hurting.
I kinda can't say no, he's done so much for me, he kinda risk his life and all for me, and the least I can do is do something he wants to do.
"Ok, sure." I said with a deep breath, I'm also kinda excited, cause I kinda been wanting to do this,
"Stop thinking like Mineta!" I said to myself.
Todoroki moved over making room for me to get in, I awkwardly crawl into bed with him.
I'm now laying in a bed with Todoroki, and wearing his hoodie, I begin feeling sweat dripping down my face. I'm so nervous and excited, but in just minutes we begin talking and the awkwardness begins to fade away as usual, we start talking about Mineta stalking me.
"You know, just let me know when Mineta is stalking you. I can freeze him for you." Todoroki says with laugh.
"Please do!" I said with laugh.
We keep laughing for a bit, but than the laughing starts to fade away. Todoroki leans over to the opposite side of me and falls asleep nearly in seconds. I lay in my bed my eyes wide open, realizing I'm in a bed with Todoroki and we're sleeping together..........
My body begins sweating, I lean to my side, opposite of Todoroki. I close my eyes hoping to fall asleep, but I just can't. I turn my body again looking at the ceiling.
"Get a hold of yourself and go to sleep!"
I say to myself, but I still processing I'm in bed with Todoroki.
Todoroki turns to his side again, only now he's facing me. I now can't stop looking at him,
"He's even handsome while sleeping."
"Calm down Yaoyorozu!"
"He's just so handsome....."
Oh gosh..... how am I ever gonna go to sleep now!

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