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Todoroki POV
It's been a week since that last incident, Yaoyorozu and I are back to normal like if nothing happen, we still have our secret lunch get together, and are basically the same before that happen. We have a test coming and I was thinking that maybe Yaoyorozu and I can study together over the weekend at my house.
It's lunch time and we go to our secret spot, she begins eating and I keep a look out, I feel nervous asking her if she wants to study with me, and better yet at my house. But I gotta ask her,
"Hey Yaoyorozu....?"
She looks at me,
"Yeah Todoroki?"
" to study at my place....? I mean since we have the test coming up." I said as I put my head and fidget with my fingers.
"Sure Todoroki, what time would work for you?" She says with a smile.
"Um. Maybe 3:00 on Saturday?" I said,
"And.. I.... i,i,i....can make us soba." I said sounding really awkward, she smirks.
"That's prefect Todoroki! And you with your soba! It's so funny and cute sometimes." She says with smile and blushes. I smile.
"So.....pick you up at 3:00 Saturday?"
She smiles.

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