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Yaoyorozu POV
Todoroki finally agrees to get checked.
He gets up and loses his balances.
I put my arms out like a trust fall and catch him.
"Phew!" I said with relief.
"Thanks. My head is spinning and I'm over heating. Could you please help me?" He said embarrassed.
"Sure." I said with smile.
Todoroki puts his arm around my back and we both slowly walk to Recovery Girl's office.
"I'll try my hardest to walk Yaoyorozu." He said with determination, it's rather cute.
"Ok if you say so." I said while his arm his still wrapped around my back.
"Yaoyorozu I'm sorry... I've should've listen to you before, you were right." Todoroki said,
"It's fine! I'm glad your going now!" I say,
It's nice to hear him apologizing.
We finally get to her office.

"Oh my! It seems you caught a virus! Go lay down and rest!" She says
"Yes ma'am." He says with his head down.
"Need help?" I offer. He nods, he seemed to have gotten worse. I help him to the bed.
There's curtain surrounding each hospital bed I close them up to give him some privacy.
"Thank you Yaoyorozu so much." He said catching his breath. His eyes are close and he's breathing very heavy.
"Todoroki, are you ok?" I asked,
He shakes his head.
"My head is spinning and my quirk keeps acting out." He says.
"Quirk?! I thought this was fever."
"Quirk? What?" I ask
"Yeah it's weird, like one moment I'm super cold I can feel my ice working than another moment my quirk goes super hot and I can feel my fire and it's effecting me badly." He says. My mouth moves without thinking.
"What can I go to help?!" I say with panic
"Ha... Yaoyorozu, you've always come to my aid. Don't worry I'm sure I'm just being a bit over dramatic probably...." he reassured me.
"Son! You've caught a quirk virus! That's really bad! If you haven't come in sooner who knows what would have happen." Recovery Girl says, "take this" she says and puts a pill on his bed.
"Thanks." Todoroki says and swallows the pill. Recovery Girl looks at me and hands me a piece of paper.
"Sweetie go back to class, and use this note after class to come back into here." She says leaves the room.
"Yaoyorozu, I don't want for you to get a bad grade cause of this so please go back to class. You've already done enough for me. Thank you." He said and immediately falls asleep.
"That Medicine works real fast." Recovery Girl says with a chuckle.
"What do you mean?" I say worried.
"Did she poisoned him?!" I worry.
"That pill I gave him. You see what he has is common around schools, so that pills just cures it right away though the person taking it usually passes out soon after taking it." She says.
"Oh ok. Thanks for this." I point at the piece of paper.
"Of course now bye!" She says as I leave.

: Time Travel a Bit:

I've been so worried, I didn't even pay attention in class. I speed walk down to Recovery Girl's office. I kept hearing Ashido voice in my head though.
"Did your little boyfriend get sick!?"
I shake my head and continue walking.
I open the door and say hello to Recovery Girl,
"Welcome back! He's still asleep so be quiet. Also could you please do me a favor while your with him?" She asks,
"Yes of course ma'am." I say.
"Thank you dear! It's basically any time you see him heavy breathing and looking uncomfortable put this on his forehead it should help him." She explains.
"Right! I'll do my best!" I say acting like it's a big deal. Anything for Todoroki!
Recovery Girl smirks and walks over to do some paper work. I walk into the room Todoroki is in I shut the curtains behind me.
Todoroki is asleep, one arm out of the sheets, he's facing up and peacefully asleep. I run my hand down is forehead,
"He's so prefect!" I think to myself. I want to remember him this prefect. I grab out my phone, as I slowly begin to take a picture. Someone comes in. It's Midoriya.

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