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Todoroki POV
I walked into the room, Yaoyorozu has walked off I'm all alone now.
"Hello ma'am." I say before even looking to see if anyone was inside, I looked up and notice a women wearing a mom like outfit, she had long black thick hair, she looks like Yaoyorozu just older,
"Hello, Todoroki was it? Hi I'm Momo's mother!" She says and smiles,
"Please sit, I've been wanting to talk to you." She says and pulls me a up a chair in this room,
"Sorry if the rooms were confusing this is our guest room."
"Guest room?! That's a thing? I've heard of guest bedroom but never a living room for guests what?!!" I'm very confused but I still listen.
"Thank you for having me it's really a nice place you have." I say, She smiles,
"Here have a drink." She says pouring me some tea.
"Of course. Now back to what I really wanted to talk about." She says and slowly turns serious.
I stiffen up.
"Momo is very smart girl, for her to get kidnapped worried me and my husband so much, I mean to hear your child has gotten kidnap with nothing more than a blood splatter, what else do you think?!" She says,
"I understand ma'am, I'm very sorry you went through that." I say, this poor family what they went through, while I was only thinking about myself.
"It's alright but..." she stands up,
"I wanted to thank you!!! You worked so hard to get her back, and I wanted to thank you!!!" She starts tearing up,
"Please ma'am, our whole class loves your daughter. We all worked hard to save her." I say with a smile.
She wipes her tears,
"Your such a kind person, I can't thank you enough! If there's anything at all you need please please tell me! I'll be happy to listen I'm forever indebted to you."
That's all a lot for me to handle but ok.
"Please ma'am, it was nothing, if I really want to be hero I have to able to save people right?" I say with smile.
"Yes of course. Now my I ask you something?" She asks,
"Yes ma'am." I say,
"Ok, I know I shouldn't ask this, but I won't be mad don't worry and I won't tell her but... I shouldn't ask... but are you and my daughter dating?"
"Should I really say?! Do I have a right?"
I don't answer the question but instead I ask a question,
"Why do you ask?" I ask,
"Well because in the hospital when we went to visit her she started crying saying she's sorry that you have to put up with her, worried, stressed so much for her, she thought she was burden to you and she wouldn't stop crying, that's what I got to know are you dating?" She explains,
There's no point in hiding it, she knows.
"Yes ma'am we are." I confess.
She smiles, and walks over to me.
Oh great she's gonna tell me I'm not worthy of her daughter which she's probably right, I cause her nothing but pain, even when I try to do something for her I end up hurting her more.
Yaoyorozu's mom stands right in front of me.
She looks at my eyes, I look at her, her eyes are full of tears.
Maybe she's just disappointed that her daughter's standards are so low.
Instead She hugs me tight, crying.
"Thank you!!!! For being there for my daughter! I couldn't have asked for someone better for her!!!" She cries.
I'm really shocked by her reaction.
"Oh, no problem ma'am." I say, I don't know how else to respond.
She slowly lets go, she wipes her tears and says,
"Go out with Yaoyorozu. She's probably waiting for you." She says and smiles.
"Oh right... yes ma'am." I say, as I start to leave I look back and see her smilingly, I smile back at her,
"Todoroki. Thank you." She says, I nod and head out the door.
As the door shuts behind me I see Yaoyorozu siting next to the door.
"Hey, I'm all done." I say and smile, she smiles too,
"I'm glad my mom is accepting of our relationship." Yaoyorozu says,
"I'm glad too. I'm so relieved!" I say, taking a breath.
"Want to go check out my court yard?" Yaoyorozu asks,
"Sure." I say,
She takes my hand and walks out. I think she's acting strange cause this is her house. I smirked and laugh to myself.
She holds my arm now, as we walked through her garden, she starts explaining all the plants she has, and I listen.
"Hey can you spend the night?" She asks,
"Sure. I don't have a change of clothes though." I say,
"Oh my dad probably has something you can wear." Yaoyorozu says,
"Ok, cool."

: Time Travel a Bit:

Yaoyorozu's mom flipped out when Yaoyorozu was grabbing another pillow for me, and said I have to sleep in the guest room. I'm bummed but alright.
"Ok Yaoyorozu good night." I say before kissing her forehead and leaving.
"Oh umm.... good night!" She says, caught off guard.
I walk out.

Her guest bedroom is so nice. I have to use the restroom I get up and walked down the haul.
I notice Yaoyorozu's light on, and her door slightly cracked open.
Now I'm curious. I quietly walk over to her door. I peak through the crack.
Yaoyorozu has her head down and was curled up crying.
"I'm sorry.... I'm such a burden to everyone...." she quietly cries.
I want to go inside but I wait a bit more.
"Mother.... Father..... Todoroki..... Todoroki..... I'm so sorry..... if only I've been stronger....." she cries some more.
"Todoroki...... why do you love me..... I cause you nothing but pain......" she's asks. I step in.
"Your not a pain Yaoyorozu. I love you." I say and open the door.
She gasps and cries so more.
"See look at you... coming in to save me again! I never done anything for you! You've always been saving me!!! I'm sorry...." she cries.
"Yaoyorozu...." I say softly,
"Don't cry. Please don't be sad. I love you, you bring me nothing but joy and happiness." My words probably mean nothing to her, but I'm trying my hardest.
"Please wipe off your tears. I'll never think of you that way, you bring me too much joy." I truthfully say,
"You mean it?" She asks,
"Of course." I say. She hugs me, and falls into my lap.
"Sleep Yaoyorozu. I'll be here with you." I say. She closes her eyes and falls asleep on my lap. I stay awake for a few more hours but than fall asleep myself.

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