chapter 2

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On that night every pokemon even the legendary ones felt the power of there god even if it was for some seconds which they didn't felt for a long time.
They all were happy thinking it as a good sign.when Arceus sent part of his energy he called and told every legendary pokemon about it and they shared it with other pokemon and slowly this news about chosen one become world wide in pokemons.

In the viridian forest Delia coming back from shopping,it was almost evening she was happily going back to her house when suddenly a tree felt in her way blocking it,she got startled by it but then she saw a scyther and pincer are fighting fiercely and destroying the everything around them a lot of Pokémon watching them when she noticed a tree is going to fall on a group of caterpie and weedles.She was scared and intinctly ran to group and stood in the way of the falling tree covered Pokémon with her body Evey pokemon noticed this and become horrified by thinking the outcome of this and scyther and pinser were running to tree trying to make in time but they were late tree was about to smash Delia and pokemon.

On other side Delia was cry not for her but for her child "I m sorry baby I couldn't keep my promise to you" and  closed her waiting for tree to fall on her then suddenly her entire body started to glow and an shield  appeared around her and stopped the tree, seeing this​ every pokemon instantly recognised what it was and the waves of energy flared around so widely that almost half of the kanto region's Pokémon felt it.Seeing this as there cue Scyther and Pinser moved tree away quickly from shield then it disappeared instantly.

Delia was waiting for tree to fall on her but after when she felt nothing happened she opened her eyes,her vision was blurry because of rapidly flowing tears.she blinked her eyes and cleaned them with her hands,she saw every pokemon were bowing to her and scyther and pinser near the fallen tree also bowing.
Firstly she was shocked then she thought "maybe because I came to help that is why they are thanking me" then scyther and pinser came upto her bowed in sorry position.
She looked and when realization hit her she said"no need to do that actually not to me" gesturing pokemon beside they bowed to them and other forgive them"if u really want to fight then find a place where no one else gets hurt around you,okay?"she said sweetly and nodded instantly

"Now where are my groceries are gone" she said quietly and then a pidgeotto took the bag which fell from Delia when she ran to save pokemon and pidgeotto took it to Delia"thank you very much"almost grabbed the bag when someone else grabbed it before her "huh,what now?" she asked confused.

She saw it pinser"what u want now?".
"Pins pinsir" gesturing to him then to exit of forest.Delia seeing this smiled and said"no need no do that I can go myself" but pinsir being stubborn not listened a word and started walking to the exit with scyther gesturing Delia to come along.Delia sighed and started walking with them.

She saw sun of evening still shining beautifully she looked a looked a little above and saw many pidgeotto,pidgey and spearow were flying above her.

She thought that are just flying around but get shocked when she got to her and thanked to two pokemon and saw that all the flying pokemon landed on her house she also thanked them for escorting her and entered her house and then all the Pokémon returned to the forest.

Every pokemon who felt the waves of energy started moving to source and when they find about it what or who was that they spread the news all around kanto.

After that day many different Pokémon started to came to Delia's house and helped her in everything they are capable of,she always gave them food for there work and thanks them. In the return Pokémon also started to bring berries, fruits and some vegetables when they visit her house.there was not a single when there was not a Pokémon.

They were very protective towards her. once when professor oak visited her, seeing many different pokemon prof.  was curious and going to ask about it to Delia. when he was about to knock on the door every pokemon saw him thinking him as a threat stood there and charged there attacks. prof.  seeing this stopped instantly he knew if he going to move he is going to be screwed.

Delia was in back of her house in garden when she saw every pokemon moving towards front side of house.
"What's happening there"she thought and moved to check what is going on.

"Hun,oh hey prof."she says but got nothing in return she saw prof. was standing there like statue and the Pokémon who was ready to attack on any movement of prof." Oh my, everyone stop he is not a threat"she said hurriedly.
Every pokemon eyed him then dispersed there attacks and then giving him a last glare which say(don't even think about hurting them).

When prof. entered the house and asked her  a about it she told him what happened in the forest and how after that every day pokemon started to came to her house every day but also don't know why coming  far from here and she asked to prof. about it.

(Bold for prof. and simple for Delia)

"What do think why they are coming". "I don't know child something like this never happened in my entire life"."oh I see,well they are a big help and give me company so I never fell lonely now, I m glad they are coming like this""well that is good and they are very protective towards you" "yeah they are very caring I have to say""so how is baby is doing"" oh baby is fine also doctor said that baby is a boy""well that's good you take care, only about month left,right?" Said prof. standing from couch and ready to leave."yeah prof I will and thanks for visiting I know you have a lot of work to do"Delia said happily.
"No problem child I have lot of to do that is why I can't come oftenly but that doesn't mean I can't visit you in a while"said prof going on porch.
"That is really nice of prof thank you"she said happily"you are like a father to me"
"Well I will be there for you child anytime you need,bye,again take care okay?" " Sure prof.,bye" and prof went to lab.

Please tell me if there is any mistake or you want any changes if some will read it by mistake lol😂😂😂😂😅😅.

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