Ash gave his pokemons to nurse joy and went to sleep where he saw Misty getting out of her room, he greeted her good morning and she returned it when she asked about him where he was, he told her that he was training.
it's afternoon, Ash woked up and going to lobby where he noticed Flint talking to Misty.
"Hii Flint" Ash greeted him.
"Hello Ash" Flint greeted back.
"I don't want to be rude but what are you doing here?" Ash asked.
"Oh well I was wondering around pewter Gym today and didn't saw you going there so I came to ask about you and then Misty told me you are sleeping after your training" Flint replied.
"Why were you looking for me?" Ash asked confused.
"Uhh...I just want to show you something" Flint said nervously "can you come with me?".
"Okkaayyy.... give me a moment and I will be back" Ash said going to nurse Joy "hello nurse joy, are they fine now?" Ash asked.
"Oh hello Ash, yeah they are totally fine now just sleeping.... do you want there pokeballs?" Nurse Joy asked.
"Yeah thanks but let pikachu sleep, he don't like his pokeball" Ash said but then Lucario came beside of him.
"I will hold him master" Lucario said standing near him.
"Are you sure?" Ash asked and Lucario nodded.
"It's alright, he reminds me of someone too" Lucario replied getting sad.
Ash knowing it will hurt him more he didn't asked anything and thought to change the subject "then let's go" Ash said quickly getting Lucario out of his memories.
Lucario nodded then got pikachu from inside and Nurse Joy gave pokeballs to Ash then Ash went back to Flint and Misty.
"I'm ready" Ash said to them.
"Whose Lucario holding your pikachu and following you?" Flint asked.
"Oh well he is my pokemon, my first friend" Ash said happily which made Lucario also happy but it was a shock for Flint.
"Really? Then I think you are going to win easily against Brock" Flint said then thought about what he said yesterday "sorry for yesterday, I laughed at you".
"It's fine but I'm going to use pikachu for Gym battle because I want to prove my pikachu isn't weak" Ash said.
"That's great" Flint said.
Then they exit the pokemon center following Flint after a while Ash asked "so Flint what you want to show me?".
"We are here" Flint said standing in front of a building made of big rocks with writing 'pewter Gym' on it.
"What you want to show me here Flint?" Ash asked.
"Follow me" Flint said ignoring Ash's question again and they did.
They walked to the backside of pewter Gym then Flint showed them some children playing through a window.
"Who are they?" Misty asked.
"They are siblings of Brock who is taking care of them" Flint replied sadly.
"Where are there parents?" Ash asked.
"His father left to become a great trainer but wasn't able to achieve it and never returned because of shame and soon there mother left too because of depression" Flint explained.
"Now I am feeling bad for Brock" Ash said sadly.
"Don't let it budge you, I showed it to you because I want you to defeat him, I have seen something in you" Flint said 'something I never had' he said last sentence quietly.

FanfictionWhen Arceus got betrayed and was weak. Arceus surely was angry on human kind for cheating on him but as a god he knew there are not all bad people so before going to sleep he left a big portion of his remaining powers that will take place in a perso...