Chapter 66

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Ash walked on his side of battlefield ( I forgot to mention that battles are going on four different battlefields at different floors) and his opponent was already standing on the opposite with his pokeball in his hand.

Ash walked on his side of battlefield ( I forgot to mention that battles are going on four different battlefields at different floors) and his opponent was already standing on the opposite with his pokeball in his hand

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(Not holding pokeball like this😅)

Ash: hey! my name is Ash, let's have a good battle. *With his enthusiastic smile*

Opponent: my name is Ethan and likewise, let's give it our all.

Ash: ' it's depends upon you ' I choose you... Scizor!. *Throwing his pokeball, Scizor appeared in the battle ready to battle*

Ethan: you have got a strong pokemon there Ash, I think it will fun, I'm counting on you my friend! *Also throwing his pokeball and a Swampert appeared*

In the VIP room where all Professors and Champions are watching matches on the four Screens in front of them.

Steven: Lance, do you think it was right to matchup Ethan against Ash? *Looking at screen showing Ash's match*

Lance: you may not believe this but he won Johto league on his first try and also have defeated my Elite four, he and his Swampert aren't pushovers, I don't know why but he asked he needed time before my battle with him because he have to go somewhere and I wasn't expecting him here in Kalos at all, it's a good thing he decided to attend this party but I wonder why he came here for.

Diantha: can you two please stop talking, I want to see their battle.

Cynthia: hey Diantha, I forgot to ask, where is your Gardevoir? my Lucario was so eager to meet her, you know.. .*with a smile, holding a pokeball in her hand*

Diantha: why don't we talk about this later *said nervously*

Cynthia: alright if you say so *putting her Pokeball back*

In the battlefield

Both Ash and Ethan staring at each other.

Ash: if you aren't going to make move then I will, Scizor Slash attack! * Scizor started running to Swampert*

Ethan: not gonna happen, Swampert Muddy water! *A big wave of muddy water came from Swampert ready to crash down on Scizor*

Ash: Scizor! Jump back and fly *Scizor stopped running, slipping a little but recovered quickly and jumped away then started to float high in the air*

Ethan: wow, your Scizor sure is fast and I didn't knew they can fly at that height, totally unexpected *then looked at Ash in the eyes* but don't think it will be easy to win against us.

Ash: I'll keep that in mind, Scizor X-Scissor! ' i'm not going fall for that again'

Ethan: *seeing Scizor getting closer to Swampert* Protect! *Scizor made contact with protect and bounced back from it* Now! Hydro pump! *Didn't gave time to recover and hit Scizor hard with Hydro pump* you thought I was going to use muddy water again, right?

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