Chapter 62

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Then next day in the afternoon

Ash woked up late because Dawn wasn't able to sleep here with sudden change in atmosphere so he had spend time with her, Dawn shared things about her like her mother is a top coordinator and she wants to be like her mother and so on. Ash told her that he wants to be a Pokemon master and he will travel around the world and the thought of traveling around world also made Dawn excited and to meet new people and pokemon.

Ash looked around for Pikachu but couldn't find him so he went downstairs to the kitchen and there met with Diantha, Clemont, Bonnie and Dawn are eating their lunch there.

Ash: Good afternoon everyone, sorry for waking up this late.

Clemont: it's alright, Dawn told us how you guys weren't able to sleep early because of her.

Bonnie: I was going to ask her to be my brother's Guardian but I think someone already have taken that place*looking at Ash with a smirk* and these two were talking lovey dovey all night that  they couldn't sleep *Ash and Dawn both blushed at this*

Ash: it's not like that at all Bonnie, right Dawn? *Still blushing*

Dawn: yeah it wasn't *also blushing*

Bonnie : but your blushes are saying something else *with a big smirk, at this their blushes got more intense*

Clemont: stop that Bonnie! You are making them embarrassed! *Scolding her with a glare*

Bonnie: alright big brother, you are no fun *mumbled quietly*

Diantha: *laughing at them* calm down everyone, Ash why don't you eat first, we have to go after that, prof Oak is waiting for you.

Ash: they are not here? *Confused*

Diantha: no they are at the location for now, we have to go there.

Ash: I see, but have you seen Pikachu anywhere?

Dawn: yeah he is playing with Piplup, they are getting along very well.

Bonnie: yeah, just like their trainers *slyly smirking*

Clemont: Bonnie!!

Bonnie: alright alright, Geez.

Clemont: sorry guys, please continue, I need to take care of few things so I'm going and Bonnie *looking at her intensely* no more making fun of them.

Bonnie: okay big brother *pouting*

Clemont: see you later everyone *then left*

Ash ate his lunch and then left to his room to get and came out wearing clothes which his mother gave him, they were sent by Ileana.

Ash ate his lunch and then left to his room to get and came out wearing clothes which his mother gave him, they were sent by Ileana

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(Again I don't own any pics I post and imagine Aura guardian crest on hat)

Ash came down wearing them and everyone looked at him and they had a surprised look but then smiled at him.

Ash: I hope these are not looking weird. *Rubbing back of his head*

Bonnie: nope, you are looking SO COOL in them!

Diantha: yeah you are looking great in them Ash.

Ash: *looked at Dawn* what do you think Dawn?

Dawn: *blushing a little* I think, you are looking..umm..kinda cute and handsome.

Ash: really? Thanks a lot Dawn *smiling at her*

Dawn: no problem Ash *with a bright smile*

Diantha: now now, you guys can flirt later, we need to go now Ash.

Bonnie: see, that's what I was talking about.

Ash: not you too Diantha *sighed* let's go anyway *turned to Dawn then Bonnie* see you guys later *They both nodded to him* take care then *walking away with Diantha* Pikachu! *Then after a little while Pikachu came to him running at high speed then  jumped on his shoulder smoothly*

Bonnie: *looking at Dawn with a smirk* we need to talk.

Ash left with Diantha to an unknown place, riding in her Limo, they stopped somewhere in a Forest and walked in it for a while.

After some time

Ash: so Diantha where is this place? *but got no reply, he turned around to look at her because she was walking behind her but she wasn't there* oh great, did I got lost?

Ash walked around to find a open place where he can release Charizard, when he found one, then out of nowhere a Tyranitar, Metagross, Garchomp, Bouffalant and Aurorus surrounded him.

Ash looked at them carefully.

Ash: is this some kind of joke? A group of well trained pokemons came to hang up on me. *Pikachu also have same expressions, then Tyranitar roared at them loudly* oh if that's how you want it. *He grabbed his pokeballs but none of them working, they all had red light on their buttons* What is going on here? *Then suddenly Metagross fired a Flash cannon at them* Pikachu Thunderbolt! *Both attacks met mid air and stopped each other, then a cage came out of nowhere and caught Pikachu before he can react*

Ash: *all Five pokemons looked at Ash intensely* looks like you wants to fight me so badly huh, then I hope you don't mind if I get a little rough here *Aura started to flare around him, getting intense every second, it started to circulate around him like lightning* now who wants to come first?

They looked at each other hesitantly feeling the power coming from Ash and nodded at each other, they started to charge their strongest attack, like for Tyranitar Hyper beam, Metagross Flash canon, Garchomp Dragon pulse, Aurorus Dragon pulse too and they fired all of them together and Buffalant's Stone edge followed them, taking a form of very big and devastating attack.

Ash: *Ash did nothing and just stood there and attacks made contact with them, smoke covered area around him, all pokemon looked at each other with a horrified action thinking about what they have done, they took one step forward where Ash was to look want happened but then six Aura Sphere came out of smoke, five met head-on to five pokemon pushing them few meters away also giving them a lot of them that they were hardly able to stand, the other Aura Sphere went for the cage in which Pikachu was and completely broke it and released Pikachu then Ash walked in front of five pokemons totally even his clothes.

Ash: you are lucky I had to adjust the power of Aura Spheres so it couldn't hurt Pikachu but don't worry next ones will make it finish, Ash raised his hand and Five Aura Spheres appeared in front of him shining brightly.

"Ash! Stop!" It's Diantha's voice but she wasn't around there.

Ash: *smirked* took you long enough, I think I should finish this first *smirking at Pokemons*

Diantha: no Ash!! they are our pokemon! don't do anything to them!.

Ash: I know, I was just joking *then his Aura and Aura Spheres disappeared, Pikachu came to him and jumped on his shoulder then licked his cheek at which Ash laughed, the Five pokemons got on their knees and bowed to him*

Ash healed the pokemons with his Aura and stayed there with them and found a speaker from which Diantha's voice was coming also few cameras around the area, then after a while he heard the sound of a helicopter coming near to them.

If you guys don't mind I can update like this little by little frequently if you want, so tell me, okay?

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