chapter 5

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"Festival?in Rota? Delia said puzzled. Ash nodded smiling and hopefully. "we can go but who told you this and where is this place?"
"thanks mom and well a pokemon told me about this festival and actually I don't know where is this place"ash nervously replied and Delia sweatdropped.
"so a pokemon told you huh?"said Delia and Ash nodded"so who was the pokemon this time".
"Arceus"Ash replied cheerfully but then remembered his mistake.
"Arceus? never heard about this pokemon,well alright then we can ask prof about where is this place"said Delia smiling towards Ash.
"thanks mom and please don't tell anyone about Arceus because he is very rare b'cuz he is not from any near place even around this region,not to even prof please"said Ash hopefully and in pleading manner?.
"alright alright dear I m not going to tell anyone about this Arceus pokemon to anyone,okay? not to prof also"said Delia,seeing him like this she can't questions him.
"thanks mom and I m going to ask about teaching me about pokemon"said Ash happily.
"wait, you are going to ask prof about teaching you"she asked and he nodded happily.
"honey I don't think he is going to allow you,your way little to work with prof" she said sad for sad for Ash,she not worried for him because she know how much pokemon love Ash.
"don't worry mom I have a plan"said Ash.
"and what is that?"said Delia curious."well...."

Time skip

Ash is on the door of lab. knock knock. Ash knocked on the door."coming"came a voice from the inside of lab.the door opened by prof."ahh Ash my boy,what are you doing here?"said prof happy to see Ash who is as precious to him as his grandson.
"oh hello prof I want to talk to you about something very important"said Ash. "Alright Ash come in"said prof him leading inside lab"so what do you want to talk about?".
"well prof I was thinking will you teach and let me work with you"said Ash hopefully."no Ash you are not big enough for that when you will grow up then we can think about it"said prof finishing conversation from his side."but i want to learn as soon as possible please"said Ash begging."I already said Ash I m not going to do it,you are just a kid an it's a lot of hard work"said prof sternly.

"I'll do it prof please"said Ash but prof didn't listen to him"alright then you didn't left me any other choice".
"what do you mean"said prof focused on Ash.
"prof last night you promised me if I want anything for birthday present you will give me right" prof nodded but have the feeling that it's not going to well in the end" well as my birthday present I want you to teach me" said Ash smiling as winner.
"now boy you are taking advantage of it"well yes I m".
prof knew​ he lost to Ash so he said "alright you win, I'll teach you" said prof and Ash started to jump in smiling at child's determination"but it's not going to be easy you have to be disciplined, punctual and hardworking,okay?" said prof sternly and Ash nodded furiously.
"oh and prof a pokemon told me there is a festival in the Rota can you where is this Rota?"asked Ash.
"well Rota is in North of the kanto anything special" ash shook his head no because he also don't know what is going to happen there.
"alright prof when I can start"said Ash happily.

prof smilled and told him he can start from tomorrow and Ash said okay then returned to his house to tell his mom and told his mother prof agreed and the location of Rota. His mom was too happy for him.

Ash worked hard with prof learned as much possible,prof himself was happy at the progress he was making and pokemon of lab were too happy around him,in free time they play together.

Now after three months it was time for festival of Rota 'Hero of the year' in which a pokemon tournament take place and winner become aura guardian of the year.
"Alright Ash came we are leaving""coming mom"said Ash from his room and then came downstairs running."how many times I have told you never run on the stairs""sorry mom ill be careful next time"ash replied.she knew he is not going to remember it but his smile is enough for her to forgot his mistakes.
They then left for Rota in taxi."you know dear, when I searched for this place,I found that there was a aura guardian who sacrificed himself to save people of kingdom of Rota"said Delia." Really?"said Ash "yes dear and the thing which made me think that once your father also talked about this aura thing but didn't understood it much"she said plainly.

"So this place have connection to aura huh,so that is why Arceus want me there so i can know more about aura but what he meant I have someone perfect for that work"thought Ash."well I think I will figure out about it eventually"thought Ash shrugging it off and continue there ride to Rota.

Please tell me it is good or not it will to make it better.😄😄😄😅😓. Have a nice day.

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