Well I forgot to mention that summer camp is a 3 day event, sorry 😅😅
Well here goes the chapter.On the second day everyone was excited to do the activities especially Ash Ketchum. He woke up early because of everyday early training with lucario, he was running around the camp playing with different pokemon which ever he was able to find. Soon it was going to be time for first activity of the day so professors called kids for breakfast, Ash was far from them but Ash don't need a call for food when there is food he is there early than everyone else.
Professors distributed food to their own groups but kids were allowed to eat anywhere they want in campsite.
Ash took his food and started look for place to eat but then again he saw the same straw hat girl seating alone in a side, eating her food very slowly as she was hesitating. Ash again thought to approach her but then he heard a call for his name, it was again Gary with his friends calling Ash to sit with them, now Ash don't want to ditch his old friend for someone he doesn't even know so he went to Gary and friends to eat but his thoughts still were on the girl.In the morning professors teached kids about pokemon type advantages and disadvantages and their abilities, it took a while and it was already time for lunch, Ash thought that this time he will find the straw hat girl and talk to her then he heard a voice putting him out of his train of thoughts "Ash in the next activity their Will be a competition in every professors team and I was hoping will you take part in my team" professor juniper said smiling sweetly with hope.
Ash know how much she care for him just like his mother and he also respect her like a son "of course I will professor, anything for you".
"Aww, thanks my cute Ashy" prof juniper said smiling if anyone else had called Ash that he wouldn't have liked it a little bit but listening this from professor juniper, he didn't felt any irritation " I'm already done my work now so can you spend some time with me, I wasn't able to do that because of my work".
"Just as I said earlier anything for you professor" Ash replied totally forgotten about straw hat girl in conversation.
Professor juniper again smiled on his answer, they ate there food together and then Ash something he forgot to ask earlier "professor I forgot to ask what is this competition is about".
"It's nothing big, prof Oak said it will questions on regional pokemon but they will be easy" professor juniper replied and spent time together until it was time for competition and Ash was relaxed because he know everything.
Teams were ready and not surprisingly Gary was in professor Rowan's team but straw hat girl in professor sycamore's team was a surprise, she still looked very nervous and her gaze was on ground then professors saw professor juniper's team they all looked at her and in the response she smiled nervously but now they can't do anything. They already knew whose team gonna win now.
Prof Oak started to ask questions.
1Q. Who is the ruler of time?
"Dialga" seeing the who gave the answer professors weren't surprised but other kids were specially sinnoh natives and Gary.
2Q. Creator of legendary trio dogs?
"HO-OH" again it was Ash with same results from people around him.
3Q. Which type of pokemons are strongest?
"None, every type have there advantage and disadvantages also some are totally immune to other but fire, water and grass are some of those who are not immune to any other type" Ash said getting big shocked expressions from kids.
"Ashy boy did you forget about the dragon types they are the strongest with no immunity"Gary said coolly trying to show his knowledge.
"No Gary, dragon types are not very effective against steel types and Fairy types are immune to Dragon type moves pokemons"Ash replied simply.
"Fairy type?" Gary asked confused"I never heard of them".
"Because they recently found in kalos region, right prof" Ash replied eyeing professor sycamore then everyone looked at him, this even took interest of straw hat girl, now she was looking at Ash amusingly at his knowledge.Professor sycamore laughed nervously "right I think I forgot to mention about them earlier" prof replied and everyone sweatdroped at this.
And then competition started again and as professors thought professor juniper's team won because of Ash.Then it was time for next activity 'scavenger hunt', in this activity kids have to take pokemons with them to the camp, in the campsite pokemons were trained if they like someone then they will come with them so the challenge was to make pokemons comfortable around you and be friends with them.
Kids scattered around campsite to find pokemons, Ash also went to forest to find pokemons. He stopped when he heard the sound of slashes, Ash followed the sound of slashes to find a scyther training and Ash straight went to him.
"Hey scyther, what are you doing?" ASH asked.
Scyther saw Ash and instantly recognized him "my lord" scyther said bowing.
"You know me?" Ash asked confused because he didn't activated his Aura.
"Yes my lord, I came few times to your place when you were little" scyther replied.
"Oh ok, but why are you training" Ash asked again.
"I want to be the strongest in the forest and there is a pinsir who is known to strongest here, I challenge him today and want to win this time" Scyther replied.
"So that mean you challenged him before and never won, right?" Ash guessed and scyther nodded "very well then I'll help you".
Scyther looked at Ash "really?" Ash nodded "thanks my lord".
"Alright but you can stop calling me this lord just call me Ash, okk?" Ash said smiling.
"I will my lo- umm Ash" scyther corrected himself.
"Let's begin then" Ash said taking battle stance.
Scyther nodded "yes my lord" Ash sweatdroped at his reply but didn't responded and trained him. Then after training he healed scyther with Aura for fight.(I'm lazy, so not gonna mention battle)
A lot of pokemons were there as Ash and Scyther reached them all, they greeted them in respect to Ash, scyther and pinsir fought well, in the end it was a tie but scyther and pinsir were badly wounded, Ash instantly healed them.
"Wow you both are great battlers, you both are strong too, you don't have to fight to prove it I can see that, now stay together ok" Ash said and they both nodded "oh no, I have to return, now there is so much little time" Ash said noticing time by sun.He was walking towards campsite when he remembered something "oh no I forgot to bring a pokemon with me there were so many I should have asked one of them" Ash said cursing himself but then he saw a poliwag running around which brought a smile on his face.
Done for now sorry if you don't like it because I didn't liked it much😥😥

FanfictionWhen Arceus got betrayed and was weak. Arceus surely was angry on human kind for cheating on him but as a god he knew there are not all bad people so before going to sleep he left a big portion of his remaining powers that will take place in a perso...