chapter 15

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After the incident Delia told about it to Ilene, who was concerned for Ash and want to come and see Ash immediately but because of her duties she can't, so she asked them to come to Rota, which they did and spent two weeks there because Ilene didn't let them go.

In these two weeks Ash learned everything about his prince duties which were remained and he went everyday to play with mew, much to her delight.

Ash because of incident asked lucario to train him hard so something like that never happen again on which lucario agreed happily, after returning home they went straight to their hard training.

Time skip(time flies very fast😆😅😆)

After months of training Ash's training started to show fruit, now he is more than 7 years old and can control massive amount of Aura easily. He also improved his combat skills dramatically, he can fight with lucario toe to toe, who was trained for even fighting in wars, he also never forgot to call professors of other regions once in a month.

Today they are going to join the prof Oak's summer camp, where they teach them about pokemon and how to connect with them and take care of them and etc.

Ash got ready about to leave his house with lucario "mom I'm going now".
"Okay dear, take care of you and here take this" Delia said giving him a locket.
"What is it for mom?" Ash asked taking locket.
"There's a magnet for lucario's pokeball, I know after the incident he don't like his pokeball to stay in pocket" Delia said eyeing lucario who nodded in appreciation.
"Thanks mom" Ash said happily hugging Delia.
"You are welcome honey" Delia replied also hugging him with bright smile.
After that Ash returned lucario and attached pokeball in the locket then he went to prof Oak's lab and knocked "prof I'm here".
"Ahh, Ash my boy, you finally came, are you excited?" Prof Oak said opening the door.
"Sure grandpa, why Ashy boy will not be excited" Ash saw Gary standing behind prof Oak.
"Oh hey Gary, I think you are going to camp too, right?" Ash said smiling to see his old friend "and will you stop calling me that".
"Of course, I'm going and i will think about your nickname Ashy boy" Gary replied smirking.
Ash sighed at his statement "alright then, so prof are we ready to go" Ash said turning his gaze to prof.
Prof Oak nodded "yes my boy we are, others are already there" prof replied "and you have a surprise coming for you".
This took Ash's and Gary's attention "what surprise prof" Ash said curious.
"Yeah which surprise grandpa?" Gary asked confused.
"You will see boys, you will see" prof replied "and if I tell you now how it Will surprise".
"Yeah I guess you are right prof, so let's go" Ash getting excited "I'm going to play with pokemon and make new friends".
"You can do all that but I'm going to win it all" Gary said.
"Huh, what d--" Ash got interrupted by prof.
"Let's go boys we are getting late" prof said hurriedly noticing time.

They went to camp in prof's car.
"So prof now we are here what is the surpr-" again he got interrupted but this time it was a gentle hug.

"I missed you so much Ash" professor juniper said breaking the hug with a sweet smile on her face.

"Yeah we just talked last month but I also missed you a lot" Ash replied also smiling.

Soon every professor came and greeted him and he replied them.

"So Ash, I think you liked your surprise" prof Oak said on which Ash nodded happily.

"I don't want to be rude but what you are all doing here" Ash said.

"Nothing much, professor told us about his camp and we agreed that we also want to join and we can meet again like this so here we are" prof sycamore replied and everyone nodded.

"Now collect kids, it's time for us to make groups" prof Oak said and others did as said.

"Hey prof, I was thinking if you could make Ash in my group" professor juniper requested to prof Oak.

"Well I'm seeing, you like Ash a lot" prof Oak concluded.

"Yeah, he is a good boy but he have a positive energy around him, the happiness he have, it made me happy too and I want to spend as much as time I can with him here and by being him in my group, I can do that, so can you do that?" Professor juniper said again with hope.

"Alright then I can do that" prof Oak said " I'm happy for Ash, he have people who love him a lot".

So after that Ash was in professor juniper's group and Gary was in professor Rowan's group.

There camp got started, there first day was to settle down and roam freely around camp.

Ash was roaming around the camp when he saw a girl standing alone near a tree in sunflower dress with straw hat, he was about to approach her when suddenly Gary took his hand.

"hey Ashy boy let me show you my cabin and you can meet my roommates" Gary said dragging him.
"Hey Gary wait" Ash said but Gary didn't listened and there with Gary Ash spent his time and then in the night he went to his cabin and that's how first day of camp ended.

Done! It was a reference chapter I hope I didn't bored you😐😐😓 and amourshiping is coming 😆😆

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