Sorry guys, this chapter is being the longest than all it can be rushy in the attempt to make it small, please mention mistakes, sorry if it's not good, thank guys for so many views and votes.
Ash and friends were walking to get to the vermilion city but again they got lost in the forest and it was getting late, weather was also bad.
Misty: where are we now?
Brock: *who was reading map now* for now we still don't know but route 24 will take us to Vermilion city, we are close to it and if I'm not wrong there is a pokemon center not far from us, there we can rest for the night.
Misty: then what are we waiting for guys, let's go.*Stopped whining*
They started to walk again but then Ash noticed something on the rock and checked it with his Aura, it was getting dark so others were not able to see it.
Ash: you guys go ahead, I'll meet you in the pokemon center.
Brock: why? Is something wrong? *looked at him confused*
Ash: no, nothing is wrong *then turned to Pikachu* you have to go too buddy *which confused them more* I will explain everything in the pokemon center, I promise.
Brock: alright if you say so.
Pikachu jumped in Misty's arms.
Misty: take care Ash, whatever it is, just be quick.
Ash: yeah I'll be back soon.
They started to walk away.
Pikachu looked back at Ash from Misty's shoulder, Ash smiled towards him then started to walk to the rock.
Ash: hey little guy, what are you doing here alone *it was a red lizard type pokemon*
Pokemon: who are you and what do you want? *said raising his head from rock, he was too much tired, flames on his tail was very small and his voice clearly said that he is not trusting Ash at all*
Ash: my name is Ash Ketchum, now tell me Charmander, what are you doing here? Your condition isn't good, you have to go to pokemon center.
Charmander: I can't, I'm waiting for my trainer, he said 'wait for me here'.
Ash: I see *Ash guessed that his trainer maybe have abandoned him then unclipped his one pokeball and Greninja came out of it, seeing this Charmander did his best to get into battle stance* hey, easy Charmander, you don't have to worry, I'm not going to battle you, atleast not in this condition, in your place he will wait here for your trainer and when he will come, Greninja will take him to pokemon center until you are there getting treated, what do you say?
Charmander: what if you are lying, what if I'll come with you and your Greninja will also leave?
Ash: I understand your concern but I promise you nothing like that will happen.
Charmander: sorry but I can't, I will wait here as I have been told, thanks for trying to help me. *Putting his head down again*
Ash: you are stubborn one, aren't you? *Then Ash smiled* 'or I should say loyal one' you are a great pokemon Charmander *but got no response, Ash got worried and shook him a little and found him unconscious* it can't be helped now *took him in his arms and looked at Greninja for returning him who said 'according to promise he will stay', Ash reluctantly agreed then started to run in the direction of Misty and Brock's Aura to get to pokemon center which was few minutes away, in the way rain started to pour which made things worse for Charmander, it was good that he chose Greninja to stay because unlike other pokemon he will like this rain but hoped nothing bad happen to him*

FanfictionWhen Arceus got betrayed and was weak. Arceus surely was angry on human kind for cheating on him but as a god he knew there are not all bad people so before going to sleep he left a big portion of his remaining powers that will take place in a perso...