chapter 11

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After returning from Rota,in the morning Ash gone to prof's lab, when prof saw lucario he asked Ash a lot of questions like where he found him and how they met, Ash only told him that he met him in Rota and he helped Lucario then lucario came along him.

Ash asked prof how he can keep lucario safe from trainers, prof suggested that he can capture lucario for him and when he will become trainer he can transfer him to his trainer ID. Ash and lucario both agreed and prof captured lucario and gave the pokeball to Ash, Ash said thanks saying that he will start working at lab again from tomorrow and took his leave for his house. When lucario asked him why he still want to work at lab"well, now I know about pokemons but every pokemon have different nature and ability, I still have to learn how to take care of them(like health and food, Everyone have different tastes) and how to make them happy" Ash replied. Lucario nodded in understanding and soon they were in the house.
"Mom!"Ash shouted excitedly"where are you?".
"In the kitchen dear" Delia replied, Ash run to kitchen to find his mom cleaning dishes for breakfast"so prof helped you?".
" Yeah he captured lucario for me and gave pokeball to me" said showing pokeball to his mom.
Delia smiled"I knew he will help you, I'm happy for you".
Ash smiled"yeah I'm too, now lucario can stay with me forever" said turning his gaze to lucario who also smiled.
"Master you have time now,we can go and start your training" lucario said turning serious, Ash nodded also seriously.
"Mom I'm going to train with lucario"Ash said with face full of determination.
"Well, I can't stop but be careful okay?" Delia said concerned, seeing his training results was enough to make her worried but what lucario said for that 'it's just was a warm up' making her more worried.

Ash nodded"yeah I will"Ash replied"okay, bye mom" said Ash running out of house.

"You are growing up fast and soon you will leave me too for your journey but i can see you when ever I want unlike him" said Delia softly after Ash left house.

After that day,in the morning Ash started working at lab and from afternoon to evening training with lucario.
Whenever prof stuck in his research Ash was always there to help him with his knowledge From mew even things (except for legendary pokemons because they are not meant to revealed to anyone like that)  prof never listened which surprised prof a lot, when he asked Ash about where he learned this, Ash always said he just know, unknown to him prof official everything Ash told him, registered on his name as his research which attracted other professors even from other regions because even them wasn't knew things like that. They wanted to know who is he and meet him but prof told them that it's all from his assistant but he can't meet anyone and didn't revealed much about him, when professors asked reason for that, he replied it's confidential but can do a little secret meeting and can introduce him to them for his security reason on which they agreed.

Ash started to return house badly exhaust and dirty but not injures which was surprising and the reason Delia never restricted his training.

8 Months passed and Ash's training progressed a lot. he reduced going to lab and spent that time with lucario to train. Now he started evenly matching with lucario in Aura and his combat going on well too, he can compete with lucario in combat for a while now but still can't beat him.

They are training in the forest. Ash was standing in the middle and lucario was running around without making any sound, it was for sharpening his aura vision, when ever lucario tried to attack him he blocked it perfectly but unlike other days where in the end Ash always got beaten badly, today in the end Ash was the one who was able to land a hit.

"You progressed a lot" lucario said after standing.
"Yeah I think i did, now I don't need Aura healing to hide my wounds from mom" Ash said removing his blindfold and giggling a little.
"Right but that was the reason she never asked to go easy on you or else you still have leaning basics" lucario replied smiling.
"Well that's true"Ash said smiling" hey lucario,prof asked me he is going to meet some other professors and he invited me, wanna join me?".
"Of course master where ever you go I will come" lucario replied.
" Alright but you have to be in your pokeball, i don't want people to learn about you for now, specially professors they will ask questions which I don't want to answer" Ash said lucario nodded in understanding(he don't know much more coming his way).

They returned to house and Ash got ready for meeting then he gone to prof's lab and knocked on door, prof opened the door and then left for viridian where they agreed to meet because prof can't take him far away, other professors agreed willingly to meet because they waited long enough to meet Ash.

They entered in the pokemon center of viridian"wait here Ash, I will go and check if they have come yet or not" prof said to Ash, Ash nodded and sat on couch.
Then six people entered Pokémon center with lab coats.

Done for now, nothing special in this chapter but will be in next chapter😄😄😄 sorry it's not much detailed 😅😅😅

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