chapter 18

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Ash, Serena and scyther went to professor juniper and ivy's cabin which have 2 beds, professor ivy was in her bed, both professors decided to share one bed because they were big enough to share and gave juniper's bed to Ash, Serena and scyther. which Ash and Serena accepted but scyther shook his head and went to a tree near cabin and started to sleep there.

They went to cabin and soon started to sleep except for Ash who is wide awake, seeing everyone sleeping and for confirmation he checked with his Aura, satisfied he left the cabin and started walking towards the tree on which scyther is sleeping.
"Hey scyther" Ash whispered loud enough so scyther can hear it. Scyther instantly woke up.

"What is it my lord?" Scyther asked jumping from tree slowly and getting on one knee.

"I'm going somewhere and I want you to meet someone" Ash replied " and I told you, you can stop saying that lord thing" scyther just nodded and Ash started walking deep in the forest followed by scyther then Ash stopped far from camp in a clearing.

"We got here" Ash said removing pokeball from his necklace and said "I choose you" from the pokeball lucario emerged.

"Master" lucario bowing then looked up and saw scyther there"what a scyther doing here".

"Well you see--" Ash explained everything and introduced lucario to scyther "and I wanted you to meet him so I brought him with me" lucario nodded then scyther and lucario greeted each other.

"So shall we get started?" Lucario said looking at Ash and Ash nodded.

"What start?" Scyther said confused.

"Oh yeah you don't know, well I didn't want to miss my training b'cuz of camp so I'm coming here from the start of camp to train with lucario to train" Ash replied.

"But I was always nearby, I never saw you here" scyther said shocked.(you guys also didn't expected it right or not?)

"Well, why we don't show you" Ash said eyeing lucario but lucario shook his head.

"No master you learned it already, you can do it on your own" lucario said smiling, Ash understood and also smiled then nodded, his hand started glowing blue then lifted it and a light went towards sky around 30 meters and a large barrier started to form around them, soon it was complete.

"Wow I really did it just by myself" Ash said happily on which lucario nodded with genuine smile "yes you did master, you really leaned it just in two days, it took me months to learn".

"Because I have a great teacher" Ash replied with made lucario really happy from his praise but said "No master you are a good learner".

"Thanks" Ash said turning his gaze at scyther "look scyther, this barrier makes everything invisible inside of it and nothing can pass through it until the user don't allow it, not even sound" Ash explained and scyther nodded in understanding.
"Let's get started then lucario" Ash excitedly but got interrupted.
"Can I join?" Scyther said with hope.
Ash looked at lucario who nodded" yes you can but be careful" Ash said and scyther nodded not even knowing what was coming for him.
They made a triangle then Ash and lucario started to run suddenly at lighting speed before scyther could register anything, he was blown away with shockwaves of Ash and lucario's clash, seeing this much power scyther was in deep shock, he saw them, they were there for a second and next socend he felt another wave, he can't even Stand near them, seeing this he started to question himself that where he stand and then took a decision, this continued for hours then with a final big clash making wind like a storm they stopped.
"Wow, lucario you got a lot stronger" Ash sitting on his one knee.
"You too master" lucario replied in same position.
Then Ash saw scyther and sweatdroped "oh sorry scyther in excitement I forgot about you" Ash said smiling sheepishly which put scyther out of his trance.

"Huh, no it's alright" scyther said getting normal.

Then lucario walked towards scyther "I forgot too sorry but we can't go easy, we have to be strongest and only by hard training we can achieve it" lucario said reasoning with him which put scyther again in deep thought.
Lucario used heal pulse with Aura and Ash used his own Aura to heal themselves then removed the barrier and returned to camp, Ash into cabin on his side of bed and scyther on tree again.

In the morning

Professor juniper and ivy woke up early because they have to do preparation for the event but they saw something which brought a smile on their faces.
Ash and Serena were hugging each other, they started to laugh then got ready and left the cabin but they didn't noticed that they woked up someone, Serena waked up b'cuz of noises but when she saw her position she became red but didn't moved or the person behind her will tease her and she was feeling comfortable in his arms that after professors left cabin she further snuggled into him but also getting red like a tomato, Ash was still sleeping b'cuz last night it was a intense training than a regular one.

Soon Ash started to wake and he saw he is hugging Serena which made him a little pink but soon controlled it "hey good morning" Ash said softly still hugging her, his voice made Serena to wake up again then she saw Ash and blushed.
"G-Good m-morning Ash" she stuttered with embarrassment, Ash smiled then broke the hug.

"Well I'm going to my cabin now to get ready, c u soon" Ash said getting out of bed.

"Yeah sure" Serena said also getting out of bed with sweet voice which made Ash smile and nod.

Well now only the last event left then camp part will be over.
Please make sure to inform any type of mistakes,if u like it please vote😂😂if not then tell where to improve please, next chapter will be soon

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