Chapter 91

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On the way to next gym battle Ash caught a hungry Snorlax and stopped on Mandarin Island where they rested for a while and Ash made some changes in his team.

They thought to look around and heard that Lorelei is coming to this island to give lectures, hearing this Misty got excited telling Ash and Brock that Lorelei is her idol.

Then they heard a dim voice and looked behind Misty who also turned around and got shocked seeing Lorelei there but Lorelei ignored them and only looked at Togepi with interest.

Ash: *after a little looking at Lorelei, walked upto to Lorelei* excuse me, i've heard about you from my friend, can we have a battle please?

Lorelei: *looking at him uninterested* I don't have time for.... *then stopped thinking something looking at Ash* wait.... are you...??

Ash: my name is Ash ketchum, do you know me miss Lorelei? *asked looking at her with a small smile*

Lorelei: yeah a little bit, you have gotten quite popular yourself after your disappearance in the Indigo finals, you want to battle me right? *on which Ash nodded* then let's make it big.

Confusing everyone Lorelei led them to Mandarin island stadium.

Lorelei: let me make some arrangements, you guys can watch my matches in stands.

After some time matches started and Lorelei won her all matches with Cloyster then....

Commentator: Ladies and gentlemen we have a very interesting match, Miss Lorelei versus Ash ketchum, who couldn't participate in the indigo league finals, it will be a 2vs2 battle *said shouting with excitement*

This information shocked Ash and team but with a smile Ash jumped over stands and walked to the opposite side of battlefield.

Lorelei: wasn't that a little too much? *pointing to the stands Ash jumped over*

Ash: you said you wanted to make this battle big and did this but I can't do these small things *smiling widely*

Lorelei: fine fine, as a headstart i'll stay with Cloyster you can chose your pokemon *smiling back at Ash*

Ash: is that so *unclipping a pokeball* then face him *throwing pokeball from which Charizard appeared with a loud roar*

Lorelei: a fire type, do you think you can win with raw power just like indigo league against me??

Ash: if it doesn't work then I have my ways *with a slight smirk*

Lorelei: then you can have the first move.

Ash: Charizard! Flamethrower! *commanded straight away*

Lorelei: Hydro pump!

Both move met each other, after a little Flamethrower slowly started to overpower Hydro pump creating a lot of steam.

Lorelei: *seeing Flamethrower getting closer* quick! Withdraw! *Flamethrower  engulfed Cloyster after it covered itself in shell but when Flamethrower stopped, Cloyster appeared fainted smoked up*

Commentator: maybe Cloyster was too tired for further battles *not as enthusiastic as earlier*

Lorelei: *sent her next pokemon, Jynx* ' no, it wasn't because he was tired, he had raised his defense to maximum with withdraw but he couldn't take a single hit' *then smiled looking at Ash* it's a shame you didn't participated in finals.

Ash: why? The winner didn't gave you guys a challenge?

Lorelei: *surprised* oh.. So you already knew huh, well... you are right, he couldn't defeat the Elite four but you.... you are just as powerful as the previous champion but it's a pity he disappeared years ago and we still can't find suitable person for that position.

Ash: I see ' years ago as powerful as me, are you sure? It will be interesting to meet him' * thinking with a smile then returned Charizard which surprised everyone because he had a type advantage with perfectly fine pokemon* I choose you! Venusaur! *Venusaur appeared on the battlefield*

Lorelei: again? Are you looking down on me? *seeing another pokemon with type disadvantage*

Ash: no, it's just the way we do things to get stronger, by facing the challenges *smiling confidently*

Lorelei: I see, then I won't hold back, Jynx! Blizzard!

Ash: use Frenzy plant to cover yourself.

Lorelei: Disable! and use Psychic! *Venusaur couldn't do anything and was raised in air and smashed down hard*

Ash: use Leaf storm!

Lorelei: Teleport then psychic!

Ash: *waited for a sec* Earthquake! *just as Jynx was about to appear Ash commanded and Earthquake shook the whole battlefield and when Jynx appeared, got hit instantly* now use leaf storm again *commanded quickly before Jynx could recover*

Lorelei: use teleport quickly *but it was of no use, Jynx fainted*

Commentator: *after recovering from shock* umm..... so the winner of this duel is Ash ketchum.

After some time everyone started to cheer for both of them for a good match.

Lorelei: *walking to Ash* it's really a shame you didn't appeared in finals, I had like to have a full battle with you, I should had made it from the start, it's just I didn't expected to end it this quickly.

Ash: if you want we can have it some other time?

Lorelei: it will be my pleasure and if my guess is correct you are here to challenge Orange league, right? *Ash nodded* there is a gym on the Trovita island, I have to go so i'll be leaving first.

Ash: alright then.

After eating lunch everyone started their journey again.

Crap ending😝

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