Chapter 6

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Now is the day of festival in Rota kingdom people from different places are going to palace for the tournament in costumes of people of ancient time used to wear in Rota.

Ash Ketchum along with his mother walking to palace to watch the event.Ash was wearing a costume similar to prince(consider anyone it's on your imagination which you think is better) and Delia is wearing a red gown.
"Dear are you enjoying?" Said Delia seeing big smile on Ash's face.
"yeah,mom this place is great thanks for taking me here but i want to know something""what dear?""what are these crystal around the palace""huh? Oh these crystal are connected to the 'Tree of beginning" said Delia looking at guide book"it says It is a rock formation that appears to be a gigantic tree. The Tree of Beginning is actually a living organism made up of crystal that feeds on sunlight.The crystals of the tree actually seem to extend far beyond the formation itself, emerging from the ground like roots throughout the surrounding areas".
"Wow"was all Ash said amazed at it."let's go Ash tournament is about to start"said Delia smiling. After listening this Ash's smile become big and started walking faster.

Time skip(After the tournament)

Winner of the tournament is Lance (you guys know who is he)."wow that Lance was amazing and his dragonite was too"said Ash still excited about matches."yes dear he was and some day you will be like him""no mom!"shouted Ash instantly. Delia was taken back by this"why not dear, don't you think he is strong trainer but you were just praising him" said Delia to know the reason."that's the thing mom he is strong but I want to be strongest them all,I want to be a pokemon master like there was never"said Ash with such passion and determination that made Delia smile?" I know you will do things which no one else can do" Delia thought smiling."alright my little pokemon master,the party is about to start and then ceremony,I don't think you want to miss that now""alright mom let's go" said Ash jumping. Delia giggled at Ash's energy and childishness and started walking for the party.

Time skip(after ceremony)
Now after the ceremony everyone started to leave only Queen ilene and her maid mime jr. and winner were left behind who was returning the staff of sir Aaron and other than them, our little snorlax or full fledged munchlex Ash Ketchum and her mom,he was still eating during the party he felt there is someone and thinking about it constantly,because of that he wasn't was able to eat."let's go dear you are eating too much""almost done mom" she can't scold him for food now,he was so little and cute to scold too.

"Excuse me mam but you have to leave now ceremony is over now" Delia looked behind to find a maid of palace."oh we are just leaving,come on Ash it's getting late I'll get you food when we return if you want to eat more"said Delia turning her gaze back to Ash."no need mom I m done"said whipping his face and they started to leave.

When they were about to leave Ash heard a voice in his mind"stop ash""Arceus,what it is?" Ash replied."go and grab that staff"said Arceus.
"what!?" Ash shouted."what happened dear?" said with concern."wait a sec mom"said Ash"why Arceus,why you want me to do that?"."just do it Ash" said Arceus sternly." Alright it better worth it Arceus or it cause me a big problem" replied ash a little hesitant and started running to Queen ilene.
"Ash!"shouted Delia"where are you going?" but Ash didn't stopped everyone was looking at him now and Lance came in front of Queen to protect her."what do you want kid" said Lance."I want to see that staff please" said Ash making cute face?."no kid it's not for child's play"said Lance hushing Ash."what, please?"Ash almost begged he was downed now but Lance denied again."Ash you don't need to beg to them your enough close to it now just extend your hand" Arceus suggested. Ash nodded and extended his hand towards the staff.

Delia started walking to Ash to take him back"sorry for the inconven---" she wasn't able to complete her sentence when she and everyone in the started seeing the staff glowing bright with mouth open,everyone was in awe at this.

Lance who was still holding it was also in awe"what is happening"he asked the Queen"."I also don't know"replied Queen.

Then staff started get pulled away from him so he tightened his grip but it was all went vein when it with a jerk left from his hand.

The staff started hovering towards Ash when it came enough close he grabbed it"now what Arceus"asked Ash."close your eyes and focus" Arceus replied."huh? Okay but why"asked ash curious now."just do it and you will see" Arceus said."alright then" and Ash did what he asked and started to focus then a shield of blue appeared so no one interfere in the event.

Everyone in the room were shocked to see it especially Queen"Aura..."she said timidly."what is that?" Lance asked then Queen explained everything about Aura to everyone one in the room.

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