When Arceus got betrayed and was weak. Arceus surely was angry on human kind for cheating on him but as a god he knew there are not all bad people so before going to sleep he left a big portion of his remaining powers that will take place in a perso...
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Everyone around them cheered as he appeared under the spotlight.
Diantha: Match will begin in few minutes so trainers can give their pokemon a checkup until then everyone can relax.
Diantha turned to leave the hall but noticed Lucario and Gardevoir coming towards her.
Diantha: hey lovemons, where were you all this time?
hearing lovemons (I don't know if someone used it already or not but it came to my mind just now) they blushed a little but before they could reply Ash called to Lucario.
Ash: Hey Lucario, Have you got him?
Lucario with Gardevoir and Diantha walked to Ash.
Lucario: ' yes master, his pokeball, as you asked'. *giving it to Ash who took it in hand firmly and looked at it*
Diantha: *curious* whose pokeball is it Ash?
Ash: you will see soon enough *with a little smirk*.
Diantha: okk..... Just remember that we are still in the tower or should we change the location outside of it? *got worried seeing his smirk*
Ash: everything will be fine.... hopefully *with same smirk*
Diantha: I hope so, should I leave Gardevoir here in any case if something happens.
Ash: there's no need for that, Lucario and Gardevoir, go with Diantha, I'll meet you guys after this match. *Then walked away to battlefield*
Diantha: *looking at Lucario* he wouldn't do something reckless, right?
Lucario: ' yes, master never do such a thing' *at this Diantha sighed with relief* ' but I'm not sure about the other one'* referring to the pokeball which caused Diantha to get worried again*
After a little while
Diantha with Lucario and Gardevoir entered in the VIP room.
Lance: you look tired Diantha, did something happened? *Looking at Diantha who have a stressed face*
Diantha: it's nothing, Ash have a pokemon which changed his expressions as he grabbed that pokeball and here Lucario says that he is also not sure what that pokemon can do. *This also made others stressed*
Steven: do you think he is going to do what he said? I mean destroying the tower... if he will not get a proper battle, it was a joke, right? *Looking at Lucario*
Lucario: I have never seen him get angry more than once years ago *at this he looked at Lance who gulped thinking about that* and believe me, at that time I wouldn't had gotten in his way to stop him neither now, it's not because I don't want to, it's because I cannot and will every be, so I'm not sure but seeing him calm earlier, I don't think anything will happen *at this they felt relieved* but as I told Diantha, I don't know about the one I brought, he is quite a thing. *Stressing them again*
Steven: I think we should put each one of our pokemon on guard if something will happen *everyone nodded at this, Lance released Dragonite, Steven released Metagross, Alder released krookodile, Diantha just nodded to Gardevoir who nodded in agreement.
Cynthia: ' Garchomp will stand out too much' * then release her pokemon too and her Lucario came out* Lucario go with others and make sure nothing will happen to the trainers there.
Lucario nodded and looked at every pokemon carefully until his eyes fell on Gardevoir, he thought to reach her but stopped when he noticed Ash's Lucario holding her hand then he looked at Gardevoir who looks happy with this, he looked at Ash's Lucario and growled a little but calmed himself down because he have to do his job first.
In the battlefield
Go and Ash are standing on their own respective sides of battlefield holding their pokeballs in their hands.
Go: let's begin this! go Cinderace! *Throwing his pokeball and the fire type appeared in the battlefield*
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sh: wow! I didn't expected to see a Galarian pokemon here.*excited*
Go: and I didn't expected someone who knows about them, everyone just getting shocked seeing him and couldn't fight us at all.
Ash: don't worry, that's not going to happen with me.
Go: that's what I would like to see.
Ash: *nodded before throwing his pokeball* I choose you...... Aerodactyle! *Aerodactyle appeared hovering in the battlefield and screeched loudly which caused everyone to cover their ears and looked at Cinderace with intimidate look*
Go: Finally, someone who can give me a challenge.
Ash: ' actually you will be getting more than you think' you can have the first move.
Go: alright then we will start with our strongest attack, Cinderace Pyro ball! *Cinderace ignited a small stone ( I don't know where from) and launching it as a fiery ball at Aerodactyle*
Ash: *with a little smile* strongest attack huh, Send it back with your wing *said calmly*
Go: what!? *Shocked* are you kidding me? *As fiery ball almost reached Aerodactyle*
Ash: nope I'm not, Do it! *Aerodactyle swinged his right wing with great power and sent the attack back to Cinderace*
Sorry guys but a lot of things going on right now like Assignments, a Project, exams also coming so I'm right now busy with my game😜😜, I'll will update next chapter soon in 2 days maybe.