Chapter 84

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Ash: *looking at Blastoise* ' he is acting tough but he is got a lot of damage there but still it's amazing he survived through that and standing like that' hey Gary! Your Blastoise is really strong. *smiling at him*

Gary: yeah I know... *smiling back at Ash* ' but I don't think he can keep this us for much longer' Blastoise! Hydro Pump on the ground.

Ash: *Ash looked at him with a confused look but then he noticed ground getting muddy* ' I see, very nice Gary' tell me Gary, how you were training this last month?

Gary: huh? Well I was traveling around and doing battles with strong trainers, why you asked?

Ash: oh it's nothing ' as expected'

Gary: alright then, Blastoise! Hydro Pump but this time on Lucario.

Ash: Aura barrier *blocked it*

Gary: what!? Oh no... I forgot about it *muttered to himself* ' how he will slip or stuck in mud if he will not try to dodge' *thought facepalming* Blastoise return! *Returned his Blastoise* I'll cut steel with steel, come on out Scizor *his Scizor appeared on battlefield*

Ash: really? Steel with steel? *With little sarcasm*

Gary: hey! I just wanted to say it, it sounded cool in this situation *defending himself*

Ash: well to reply you, why don't we use same steel them *returned Lucario then took out another pokeball* Scizor I choose you *Ash's Scizor appeared on battlefield with a intimidating presence (no he don't have that ability, it's just his power and...... everything)*

Gary: ' great..... another steel type, so there wasn't a need to use toxic spikes against him' Scizor! Bug buzz!

Ash: Flash canon! quick!

Gary: Dodge then use Bug buzz! *Gary's Scizor successfully dodged flash canon and used Bug buzz which caused Scizor to cover his ears* Now get close and use Night slash!

Ash: use Extreme speed to dodge then X-Scissor *before Night slash could connect, Ash's Scizor disappeared then appeared above Gary's Scizor and successfully landed his hit* now Flash canon again.

Gary: dodge and Iron head!

Ash: X-Scissor! meet him head on! *both clashed, dust and smoke covered area, Ash's Scizor returned to his position, Gary's Scizor tried to stand straight but in the end fell on ground*

Ref: Gary's Scizor is unable to battle.

Gary: *returned his Scizor* I don't have any other choice now, Umbreon come on out.

Ash: you have some great pokemon Gary.

Gary: thanks Ash *said looking down then looked straight in Ash's eyes* hey Ash.

Ash: what is it Gary? *confused*

Gary: can you battle for real now? I know you are going way easy than you usually were in this whole tournament.

Ash: I'm sorry Gary, I just didn'-

Gary: hey don't worry, I understand but I want to see how much behind I am so don't go easy on me anymore.

Ash: sure Gary *then looked at Scizor* hey Scizor! you heard him, right? *Scizor looked back at Ash nodded* 'yeah but don't get too serious, I don't want him to spend his next weeks coming to Pokemon centre to check on his pokemon'  *Scizor again nodded* alright then Gary you can have the first move.

Gary: Umbreon, Dark Pulse!

Ash: deflect it *said with a calm manner, as Dark Pulse reached Scizor, he used his claw to easily deflect it*

Gary: what!? No way! *Surprised, even audience looked at Scizor with a surprised look*

Ash: you wanted to see what my pokemon capable of, right? Then what you just saw is nothing, Scizor X-Scissors!

Gary: dodge then sha- *but before he could complete his sentence, Scizor already landed his attack, Umbreon went straight in wall behind Gary*

Ref: *after checking Umbreon* Umbreon is unable to battle.

After that Gary called Nidoking but he also got defeated with just one Slash attack then Gary called his last pokemon, Blastoise, who got in his shell to be safe from Flash canon but even that couldn't protect him and Gary lost match.

Audience cheered for both them after shaking hands they left stadium then they met with everyone else.

Unknown location

Giovanni sitting on his chair, a scientist standing in front of him.

Giovanni: what do you mean we need the original one, what is the problem with the one we made?

Scientist: sir unlike the original one, the one we made is like a puppet, he doesn't have feelings and emotions.

Giovanni: and what is problem with that? We need a puppet who will obey anything we say.

Scientist: sir, that's the point, it doesn't matter who commands him, he will follow orders blindly, he can't be loyal or trustworthy like this that's why we need original one so we can study him and make a perfect Mewtwo for you.

Giovanni: I see, it's not going to be easy seeing with whom he is but I have a plan *seeing a pic of Ash on his laptop then to next where Ash is standing near his mother and friends*

Sorry I took longer than I thought, i was just being.....lazy XD.

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