Chapter 31

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Ash watched that weedle still isn't gone "what is it weedle? Why aren't you going with them?" Ash asked.

Weedle sighed at this "I still can't fly, it's going to take a while for me to get back" weedle said sadly.

"Hop on, I'm going in that way, I'll give you a ride" Ash said bending for him with a kind smile on his face.

"Ash what was that?" Misty asked confused coming up to him with Samurai who looked equally confused.

"Nothing, I think this little fellow thought Samurai is attacking me so he brought his friends" Ash said not showing he understood weedle and swarm completely.

"Oh ok" Misty said shrugging it.

"Samurai I think it's goodbye for now" Ash said turning to Samurai.

"Yeah I guess it is" Samurai said with a smile "but we will meet again someday and we will fight again so I can even the score".

"Yeah sure" Ash said then they said goodbye to each other and left then Ash dropped weedle near his swarm and soon they were on the outskirts of the pewter city then Ash returned Greninja then Mew jumped on his shoulder but pikachu stayed with Misty.

Ash and Misty walked towards the city but it's already evening so they decided to go pokemon center for now then Misty saw some rocks and sit one of them with Pikachu.

"I'm exhausted with walking this long" Misty said tiredly.

"You are sitting on my merchandise" A man said sitting near rocks.

"Merchandise?" Misty said standing from rock and man nodded.

"Sorry for my friend sir but can you please tell us the way for pokemon center" Ash asked respectfully.

"Sure boy but I think it will be better if I show it to you" Man said standing from his position.

"But what about your merchandises" Ash said.

"It's going to be alright" Man said not caring much.

"Thank you sir" Ash said in appreciation.

"You can call me Flint boy" Flint said.

"Ok, my name is Ash Ketchum and I am from pallet town and that's my buddy pikachu and Eevee" Ash said smiling then Pikachu also jumped on Ash's other shoulder.

"I'm Misty" Misty said "and sorry for sitting on your merchandise".

"It's alright but why are you here?" Flint asked.

"I'm here to challenge Brock for my first Gym badge" Ash replied on which Flint laughed "what's funny in this?" Ash asked confused.

"Boy you can't beat Brock, not with that Pikachu and Eevee" Flint said laughing which pikachu didn't liked but Mew didn't felt anything b'cuz she isn't a Eevee.

"We will see" Ash simply said to Flint.

"Don't mind him, we will prove him wrong buddy" Ash said to pikachu telepathically on which pikachu nodded but still anger in his face.

Then they reached pokemon center then Flint left. Soon it was night Misty and Ash had their dinner and went to sleep, at least Misty, Ash was wide awake.

"Mew let's go" Ash said to Mew who floated to him without her disguise then Ash picked up his all pokeballs and lastly awaked pikachu.

"What is it?" Pikachu asked still half sleep.

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