chapter 29

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In the morning Ash said goodbye to Nurse Joy after a check-up of his pokemon then Misty joined him.

"where are you going Ash?" Misty asked little nervous.

"I'm going to pewter city to get my first badge" Ash said excitedly.

"If you don't mind can I join you?, I also want to travel around so I can get stronger" Misty asked getting more nervous.

"Stronger huh?" Ash said smiling remembering about himself on which Misty nodded "alright.. you can join me" Ash replied.

"Ash?" Mew said with telepathy getting his attention "is it really alright? what about your training?, I don't think you can train when she is around".

"Don't worry mew I will find a way" Ash replied.

"Alright...if you say so" Mew said sighing.

"Thanks" Misty said smiling "so can we start moving?".

"Yeah sure, we are going through viridian forest for a shortcut" Ash replied.

Misty froze on her place "viridian forest?" Misty asked hesitantly
not believing it.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" Ash asked noticing her hesitancy "if you don't want to come then you can leave".

"No, it's alright, I was just little surprised" Misty said hurriedly.

"Okay then let's go" Ash said then they walked towards viridian forest.

They entered forest then Ash heard a scream "what happened Misty?" Ash asked concerned turning to her and find her pointing to a weedle on a tree.

"IT'S A BUG!" Misty screamed again.

"So? we are in a forest, there are different type of pokemon" Ash said sweatdroped.

"But I hate bugs!" Misty shouted.

"Wow you love water pokemon specifically and hate bug type pokemons only" Ash said bewildered then sighed "I think I don't have a option then" Ash said unclipping a pokeball "Greninja I choose you" Ash shouted then Greninja appeared in front him.

"Wow you love water pokemon specifically and hate bug type pokemons only" Ash said bewildered then sighed "I think I don't have a option then" Ash said unclipping a pokeball "Greninja I choose you" Ash shouted then Greninja appeared in front him

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"What is it Sensei?" Greninja asked.

Ash sighed "you see Greninja that gi-" Ash said pointing at Misty to find she is not there anymore "where is she gone?" Ash asked to no one in particular.

His question soon answered by a "WOW" Misty shouted excitedly " it is a water pokemon, right?" She asked happily.

"Yeah he is" Ash replied nervously "he is from Kalos region".

"Never heard of it but he looks cool" Misty said still excited.

"Umm... Sensei?" Greninja said getting annoy of Misty.

"Oh sorry Greninja but will you be with her until we pass this forest, she is afraid from bug types but she loves water types that's why I choose you for this" Ash explained.

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