chapter 17

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Ash started walking towards poliwag "hey poliwag, I need your help, can you come with me to the camp please?" Ash requested.(because these pokemons came with professors from different regions, they don't know who Ash is and will not be able to know until he activate his Aura).

"I will but you have to play with me and if you will be able to touch me then I'll surely come" poliwag replied and started running.
""Alright then" Ash said with enthusiasm, running after poliwag.

(After some time)

Ash was having a hard because of bushes and trees it was hard to keep an eye on poliwag then he heard a scream then a thud, Ash followed the scream and heard sobbing Then he heard a voice on the other side. "I knew, I didn't have to come to camp. I knew it." There was a brief moment where the only sounds were light sniffs, and then there was a loud scream."Mommmmyyyyyy!".
Whoever was behind the bushes was really upset. Ash thought he should help. He would pretend like he didn't know what was happening, though. "Poliwag?" he called out, pushing through the bushes. He could hear a light whimpering sound, the person at the other end clearly nervous about the rustling bushes.

Ash then pushed through the bushes, and looked around. His eyes went to a large tree, where a girl, The Straw hat girl, was backed up against it, tears on her face, and eyes shut tight. Ash could tell that she was terrified. She didn't even know that it was him and not a Pokemon in front of her.
"Hey, are you alright?" Ash asked, trying his best to make his voice sound as gentle as possible.The girl opened her eyes and stared at Ash in surprise. He took a step forward, making sure he was visible so that she could see he wasn't a threatening Pokemon. "Huh?" was her only response."Hi, I'm Ash," he greeted, pointing to himself and smiling. He then tried to get her to speak. "Who're you?" he asked, suddenly forgetting about Poliwag. He wanted to make sure this girl was alright. When all she did was whimper again, he tried again to make her speak. "What's wrong?" he asked quietly.Finally, she seemed to understand that it was ok to respond to him. She glanced down to her leg, tears still coming down her cheeks. "I knee," she whimpered, staring at her leg in fear.Ash could see now that she had a nasty scrape on her knee, and realized now that it had been this that had caused the loud scream he'd heard earlier. He suddenly felt the urge to make this girl more comfortable. He didn't want to see her hurt. He quickly knelt down in front of her."Don't worry," he told her, reaching around and pulling a blue handkerchief from his pocket. "See this?" he asked, holding it up in front of her. "This'll make it better."He gently moved the handkerchief forward and carefully wrapped it around her knee. The only noise she made, was another,"huh?" but she didn't move away. For some reason, that had made Ash feel quite good about himself.He quickly finished tying the handkerchief into a knot, and then looked hopefully at the girl. "All done," he said happily. She stared at her leg for a moment and then seemed to try to put weight on it, but quickly gave up, whimpering once more. Ash wasn't going to give up, though. He was now determined to make sure this girl was ok. "Now watch this," he said, holding up his hands close to her knee. He started wiggling them around in some kind of weird performance. "Feel better, feel better," he started, voice light as he was making sure to be cheerful for the upset girl. He then held up his hands in victory and shouted, "Right away!"She stared at him for a moment, and then tried to put weight on her leg again, before whimpering once more. "It still hurts, I can't stand up," she whined, staring wide-eyed at Ash as he quickly stood up himself.Ash again felt the determination to make sure this girl was ok, and he wanted to show her that she should have that determination as well. He held his hand up and smiled. "Don't give up till it's over, kay?" He slowly reached out his hand to her, and looked her in the eyes. "Come on!" he encouraged. She stared at him in shock again, and then reached out her hand to his, as though not even realizing it. When he felt her hand in his, Ash quickly tightened his grip, and then pulled up forgetting about his strength. He accidentally pulled a little too hard, and the girl came up so fast, that she fell forward. Ash quickly put his arm around her to make sure she didn't fall again, and felt her clutching onto his shoulder in fear. After a moment, though, she leaned back and stared at him, a blush coming to her cheeks. "There you go!" Ash said excitedly, giving her a wide grin and chuckling. He realized they were still holding hands, but ignored that and took his arm that had been wrapped around her and pointed back to the direction they had come from. "I think we should be getting back to the campsite. Kay? Come on." He slowly started to walk away, careful to ensure that the girl was following. The whole way back, their hands were held between them.

Ash followed poliwag in random directions so he wasn't knew where is camp and Serena also wasn't knew, so Ash used his Aura vision to find the Aura of people on camp which surprisingly wasn't too far and then started following it, because he was draging Serena with him so she wasn't able to see his eyes.

Soon they were on camp to see prof Oak, professor juniper and professor sycamore standing there with tensed faces but when three of them heard sound of foot steps, they sighed in relief to see both of them.

"Where were you both, we were so much worried" prof Oak scolded. (he was incharge of camp so yeah)
"Ash/Serena are you alright" professor juniper and sycamore asked respectively and in response they nodded.

"Yeah but Serena have hurt her knee" Ash said pointing to her knee.

"Oh my, I'll get first aid kit" professor juniper said leaving to get first aid kit.
"Ash where is your pokemon?" Prof Oak asked noticing there is no pokemon with him.

"Oh no that poliwag, I forgot to bring him with me" Ash replied sadly.

"He was with you, I'm sorry I scared him" Serena said with regret.

"No no! It's alright, it happens, it wasn't your fault" Ash replied smiling which made her blush and smile.

"Sorry Ash but if you don't have a pokemon then you can't take part in tomorrow's activity" prof Oak said little down " I was hoping that you are not going to have problem with it but now we can't do anything, Ash you can go to your cabin and Serena after your bandaging you can too, others are already in there's" prof Oak said.

Ash was sad listening this, seeing this Serena also become sad, she was going to apologize but then they heard sounds of flying of a pokemon coming from the same direction from which Ash and Serena came, Serena became afraid and hid behind Ash, Ash took a protective stance, soon a figure emerged from forest which turned out to be a scyther who came in front of Ash and bowed, Ash recognized scyther and relaxed "hey scyther what are you doing here?" Ash asked happily to see his friend.

"My lord, I forgot to thank you, I was searching for you but can't then felt your Aura and followed it but I listened everything, if you don't mind I can stay" scyther replied.

"Really?" Ash asked for confirmation on which scyther replied "it will be my pleasure my lord".

This made Ash smile until now professor juniper also returned and he explained everything to others what happened in the forest and said "and I think as a thanks he wants to stay with me for the completion of event" which made others smile too.

Before Anyone can further response Serena started to talk "umm prof can Ash stay until I get bandaged" everyone looked at her which made her blush with embarrassment but professor juniper noticed something else too and smiled mischievously.

All the time Ash stayed close to Serena, they don't want to disturb other kids so professor juniper said that they can spend night with her, which they did.

I want to be honest so the Ash saving Serena scene, I searched stories for suitable material and copied it from a flashback and edited it as requirements.😅😅😅 Please everyone if you have any question just ask away and tell me suggestions to improve and I got 500+ reads thanks

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