chapter 28

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Ash and Misty walked to the pokemon center then Ash come to a sudden halt on the front door.

"What's wrong Ash?" Misty asked confused.

"Nothing.... Just want to surprise someone" Ash said pulling his cap down to cover his face then entered the pokemon center, Misty just shrugged it off and followed him.

In the pokemon center

"Excuse me nurse joy" Ash said getting her attention from computer.

"Oh sorry, how can I help you?" Nurse joy said smiling.

"Can I get a room for the night?" Ash asked smiling under his cap.

"Yeah sure, can you give me your pokedex so I can register you?" Nurse joy replied with same smile of her.

"Here" Ash said giving her his pokedex.

Nurse joy took the pokedex and put it in the computer for scanning then computer started to read the data.
' Ash Ketchum from pallet town ..blah blah(😋😋)."

Nurse joy after registration "here thanks for staying here" nurse joy said giving him his pokedex "please enjoy your stay As-" then it struck her "Ash!" Nurse joy shouted and get out of her registration counter then hugged him which Ash returned happily.

"It's such a long time" nurse joy said releasing him.

"Yeah it is" Ash said rubbing his head "sorry I wasn't ab-".

Ash got interrupted by a explosion in ceiling then 2 people, a blue hair man and pink hair woman with 3 pokemon entered through it then they started to speak.

Ash got interrupted by a explosion in ceiling then 2 people, a blue hair man and pink hair woman with 3 pokemon entered through it then they started to speak

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(I'm not going to write that, it annoy me a lot)

"Well that was weird, you know you guys can use the doors here" Ash said pointing to the doors "they are open for everyone and what is this Team Rocket".

"Listen twerp Team Rocket don't use doors" pink hair woman said.

"Yeah twerp, Team Rocket steals rare pokemon, we don't do simple things like that" Blue hair man said proudly which made Ash angry.

"We don't have rare pokemon here" Nurse joy shouted "we have only injured pokemon here".

"So you are here to steal pokemon huh" Ash said calmly but anger is evident in his voice much to team Rocket and Misty's surprise but Nurse Joy knew she don't have to worry until things don't go too far.

"Yes twerp and I see you have some valuable pokemon" pink hair woman said eyeing pikachu and Eevee.

"You are right Jessie, Eevee is a rare pokemon and that pikachu also look strong" Blue hair man said.

"Stop blabbering James and cut to work" a cat like pokemon said from the three with them.

"Wow a talking Meowth" Misty said amazed which took Ash's interest.

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