chapter 23

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Well guys thanks for support, don't forget to mention mistakes and suggestions and ask questions if you have any, thanks again.

Now tomorrow is the day when Ash will start his journey, until now he never stopped his training, he with his pokemons trained to fullest they were able to, Ash now can use Aura to his maximum potential which is quite the achievement for him, after years of training and now he is capable to control it.

Scyther worked hard because he was the weakest one of them because Greninja quickly surpassed him because of his training with Ash so Scyther trained with lucario which made him the equal to other two except for that time when Greninja goes battle bond which is far stronger now.

"Guys tomorrow we are going to start our journey, I can't wait for tomorrow to come, I want to challenge the strongest trainers there in the world" Ash said excitedly.

"Yes master, we also want to see the world and battle with you" Lucario said with Same excitement in his voice.

"Once I wanted to be the strongest in just forest but now I want to be the strongest of world, I will defeat everyone and prove it by you on my side my lord" Scyther said with determination.

"Sensei, we trained hard and gone through thick and thin together even in this journey, I will do the best that I can for you" Greninja said honourably.

"Thanks guys, I'm grateful for your support and hard work" Ash said then hugged them and they hugged back.

Then a voice interrupted them from downstairs "Ash are you still awake, it's already midnight, go to sleep NOW".

"Alright alright I'm going to sleep" Ash shouted back then smiled towards his pokemon "gud night guys" Ash said but didn't returned them tonight and went to sleep, they took places wherever they can sleep.

But none of them wasn't able to sleep, they all were thinking about how their journey will be, which cause them to sleep very late.

In the morning

"Ash wake up" Ash heard a shout, he opened his eyes to see his mom standing over him.

"What happened mom?" Ash asked confused.

"Today is the day when you will start your journey and just look at time" Delia said not looking very happy, Ash become excited on hearing about journey but when he saw the time his jaw dropped.

"Oh no it's already 10:00, I have to go quickly" he ran away in his pj to the lab, his pokemons waked up after a while he left.

Ash reached the lab to see a crowd in front of lab but he ignored them and started walking to the front door but before he can knock on door, it opened and came out of it Gary Oak.

"Oh hey Ashy boy, you are very late you know and you forget something" Gary said smirking eyeing Ash's clothes which Ash also noticed and hung his head in embarrassment "hey it's okay, I understand you wasn't able to sleep because of excitement but you should have used alarm clock".

'But I never needed that, I woked up early in the morning everyday so I can train' Ash thought in his mind "yeah I guess I had" Ash said nervously laughing "is prof Oak still in there?".

"Yeah gramps still there but he ran out of starter" Gary said hesitantly feeling bad for Ash.

"Oh don't worry about it I'll manage" Ash said smiling which made Gary also happy then Gary nodded and took his leave with 'cheerleaders' in his car.

'what's up with the cheerleaders' Ash thought then shrugged and entered the lab.

He found prof watering flowers in the ranch "hey prof" Ash shouted to prof and ran towards him.

Prof noticed him "ahh Ash, my boy, I thought you aren't coming today, you are very late" prof said checking time on his watch.

"Sorry prof I slept in, can you give my pokemon and pokedex so I can start my journey?" Ash said impatiently.

"Well you seel Ash I don't have any starter for now so I don't think I can" prof said sadly.

"What? But I have three pokemons with me, one of them can be my starter" Ash said shocked and sadly.

"No Ash, they are going to be transferred, a starter has to be newly caught and it has to be a professor who gave you one" prof explained which made Ash to go more sad.

"Isn't there any other way" Ash said with hope then it stuck him "can't we ask other professors for help" Ash said a smile slowly taking place on his face.

"No boy, they can't just give away there starters, maybe I have something but don't know you will like it or not" prof said thinking. (Just quit the act, we know you planned it all)

"Really? I'll manage prof, I just need a starter" Ash said cheerful that he can start his journey.

"Alright then follow me" prof said and Ash did.

They entered lab then prof grabbed a pokeball from a machine containing pokeballs with lightning mark on it "here is the one but be careful, he is a fiesty one" prof said giving pokeball to Ash who grabbed it happily instantly ignoring the careful part then released the pokemon who was inside and wasn't looking happy.

"Wow a pikachu, they are not common around here, where did you find him prof?" Ash said curiously.

"Well surprisingly I caught him in my lab, he was chewing wires" prof replied.

Then Ash made his way to pikachu "hey buddy, I'm going to start my journey today, wanna join me?" Ash said then he was about to touch him when pikachu released a thunderbolt at him much to his surprise.

Ash was ready to act but then someone jumped in front of him and deflected the attack easily.

It was lucario who deflected thunderbolt with his bare hands much to pikachu and prof's surprise who first time witnessed lucario's power, soon Greninja then Scyther reached Ash and took battle stance, then lucario turned to Ash "master are you alright?" Lucario asked concerned.

"I'm totally fine Lucario, thanks for the help but you know I'm enough strong to protect myself" Ash replied thanking.

"Right master but I can't stand there and watch someone attacking you" then lucario turned to pikachu "how dare you little rodent" lucario growled at pikachu, pikachu still afraid but didn't backed off and emitted sparks from his cheeks which Ash noticed and liked.

"Calm down guys" Ash said then moved towards pikachu "what's the matter buddy, why did you attacked me?" Ash asked pikachu.

"You humans are all bad, first you took away my parents in those balls as their slaves when I was little and now this old man caught me too in one of those but I'm not gonna be your slave, I hate you all" pikachu replied emitting sparks from his cheeks.

"Hey I'm not gonna make you my slave, all the pokemons are my family and friends, I'll treat you well but if you don't want to come with me then I'm not gonna force you, here if you want to join me then grab my hand if not then I'm just gonna leave" Ash said extending his hand for pikachu to convince him.

Pikachu started to think then looked at three pokemons "what he saying is true?" Pikachu asked them for confirmation on which nodded instantly with smiles.

Then pikachu looked at Ash "alright I decided" pikachu said but didn't grabbed Ash's hand, he used it to climb on his shoulder "but I'm not going in that pokeball again" pikachu said stuttering 'but how can you understand me' pikachu thought.

Then Ash replied "As you wish buddy" which shocked pikachu then it hit him "hey, you were understanding me all the time, how?".

"Well it's for another time now I need my pokedex" Ash said then looked in the direction of prof who was seeing this all with a triumph smile "prof can you give me my pokedex now?".

"Yeah sure and I have a surprise waiting for you" prof said leaving Ash which made Ash confuse.

Then prof returned with a red pokedex and a gift boxes"here Ash this is your pokedex and here is the gift from professors, open it".

Ash opened them then his expressions changed to big shocking one "NO WAY" Ash shouted with disbelief.

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