chapter 20

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Then Ash looked at Gary "hey Gary where is your pokemon" Ash asked seeing no pokemon with him.
"With professor Rowan for a full checkup" Gary replied "where is yours?".
"He should be here soon" Ash said as he saw professor Rowan coming towards them with an eevee "look like your pokemon came".
Gary turned in the direction of Ash looking and also saw prof Rowan.
"here Gary, eevee is totally fine now"prof Rowan said giving eevee to Gary.
"Thanks professor" Gary said taking eevee in his arms.
"Wow Gary, you got a eevee" Ash excitedly.
"Yeah, I do" Gary said coolly

Then professors took kids who have pokemons away from others "alright kids now tournament will begin, when someone give up or pokemon is not in condition to battle then that will be a lose, okk?" Prof Oak announced on which kids nodded then prof saw that Ash don't have his pokemon with him "hey Ash where is your pokemon?".

"Well he is-" Before he could complete his sentence scyther came in front of him with a blur and bowed which scared kids to see a pokemon with sharp scythes...? But he have bruises on his body.
"Sorry my lord for being late, I lost myself in training" scyther said with head down, everyone looked at the seen with shock except for Serena and only those professors who knew already about scyther.
"It's alright you are not late, the event is a tournament of pokemon battle and you need healing first" Ash said looking at the bruises on his body, scyther nodded.
"Hey Ash, is that the pokemon you are entering with" Gary asked looking at scyther with shock and little fear.
"Yeah I'm, any problem" Ash asked normally.
"No, not at all" Gary said nervously.

Ash took scyther to professor juniper's cabin and healed him there so no one get suspicious then asked him about his move set which surprised Ash "wow you have a good move set" Ash said happy with moves then left the cabin to see tournament is about to start.

After several rounds (there are kids who don't even know much pokemon battle so skip them) now only Ash and Gary left.
"Wow Ashy boy you have got a strong pokemon there" Gary across the battlefield.
"You are right" Ash said with a smile "are you ready?" Ash asked with determined gaze and Gary nodded collecting himself.
"You can do it Ash" Ash looked in the direction of familiar voice to see Serena cheering for him and smiled then nodded, seeing that Ash and everyone looking at her now, she blushed with embarrassment.

"Alright then battle begin" prof Oak said as ref of this match.
"You can have first move" Ash said sincerely.
"Thanks Ashy boy" Gary replied which Ash to groan "ok, eevee quick attack" eevee started running towards scyther to tackle him.
"Scyther sword dance then extreme speed" Ash commanded and scyther quickly complied it before eevee could stuck him scyther disappeared then reappeared behind him much to Gary and eevee's surprise and hit him hard, blowing him several feet away giving good damage "scythers are known to have a strong base attack stat and sword dance raised it further two stage" Ash told Gary.
"Why are you telling me this and giving away your strategy" Gary asked.
"So you can focus on battle not waisting your time to think what happened" Ash replied.
"Okkaayyy" Gary said taken back " well then we have to make a move too then" Gary said smirking until now scyther and eevee returned to their respective places "eevee heal bell then sand attack followed by substitute".
Everyone even Ash and professors were surprised at his strategy, eevee quickly used heal bell and was about to use Sand attack.
"Good strategy Gary but not gonna happen, quick scyther use sword dance to deflect sand attack then use slash on eevee" scyther deflected sand attack but until he gets closer to use slash eevee already was done making substitute so slash attack just breaked substitute and because it's already two turns taken, heal bell showed effect and eevee was good as new.

"Ashy boy you are smart but not smart enough if you had used extreme speed first then this fight maybe have been over" Gary said smirking, proud on his accomplishment.
"Yeah 'maybe' there was a good chance that eevee would have survived and without sword dance scyther has lost his accuracy but now he have higher stage attack stat and it will be over quickly now" Ash said smiling which made Gary to fear what is he planning "scyther finish this now, extreme speed then slash" before Gary could response scyther pummeled eevee with both attacks and eevee thrown away like a doll, now eevee have swirls in his eyes.

"Eevee is unable to battle Ash wins" prof Oak said after analysing and kids cheered Ash's name.
"You fought well" Ash said walking towards Gary and giving him his hand for handshake.
"Yeah you too" Gary said shaking his hand then he moved towards eevee "thanks for the good fight" Gary said taking eevee in his arms which made eevee smile and lick Gary's face then Gary smiled too.

Ash turned to scyther "thanks buddy you did a great job" Ash said praising him.
"It was a honour to fight with you my lord" scyther said with joyful voice.

Then everyone congratulated Ash for his win and Gary for his well fight except for Serena who is standing just in a corner with down face.

"Now everyone it's time to give rewad to winner of tournament" prof Oak said getting attention of everyone "Ash can you come forward please" Ash nodded and started walking towards prof.

I'm done now, I'm updating daily so no complaints about short chapter but forgive me for bad fight, it's a first fight in my story which is also a first one😅😅😅

please don't forget to mention mistakes and suggestions, it's a request🙂🙂

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