Chapter 83

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Everyone in the stadium cheering for their favourite trainer, standing on one side of battlefield is Gary and on another side Ash both looking at each other as they were just waiting for this moment.

Ref: now the system will decide who will send his pokemon first *and it was Ash*

Ash: Go buddy *Pikachu jumped in battlefield at this*

Gary: I knew you will start with him, now it's my turn, go! Golem! *And his Golem appeared on battlefield*

Ref: Ash gets to attack first.

Ash: Pikachu! Iron tail! *Pikachu got quickly closer to Golem*

Gary: Protect then Earthquake! * As Pikachu was about to land his attack, shield appeared around Golem and Pikachu bounced off, as he was about to land on ground he got hit by earthquake, sending him back towards Ash* I told you, I wasn't taking it easy either.

Ash: it's good to see you wasn't *as in front of him Pikachu stood up on his feet like nothing happened* but you still need to do a lot of work, now you can't use protect soon again so, Pikachu Iron tail again! *Pikachu as before got closer to Golem*

Gary: Golem! Substitute! *At the last moment substitute appeared and took hit from Pikachu then disappeared* Earthquake again before it land *Golem quickly used earthquake again*

(I'm not going to write commentary because I'm lazy)

Ash: Pikachu use iron tail on ground to get in the air *Pikachu easily dodged Earthquake* Extreme speed and Iron tail!

Gary: Use protect quickly *Shield appeared but Pikachu smashed it then successfully landed his attack* no way!

Ref: *after checking Golem who wasn't moving* Golem is unable to battle, Pikachu wins *raising Ash's side flag*

Gary: *returning Golem* thanks for your hard work Golem *then looked at Ash* how are you training your pokemon? They are on totally different level than normal.

Ash: I already told you, I just trained hard, now shall we continue?

Gary: yeah sure ' but just how hard it is?' here comes my next pokemon, Nidoking! *throwing his pokeball and Nidoking appeared on battlefield*

Ash: wow Gary, you actually raising your pokemon very well *looking at Nidoking*

Gary: thanks Ash, now it's my turn to have first move, Nidoking! Toxic spikes! *Many spikes appeared in front of Nidoking and disappeared in ground* what do you think Ash? *Looking at Ash with a smile*

Ash: a well played move Gary, I'm actually impressed, I wasn't going to switch my pokemon very soon but let me show you something *smiling back at Gary*

Gary: 'why is he making that face?' *looking worried a little bit*

Ash : I choose you......Lucario! *Smirking a little in last moment, Lucario appeared covered in Aura and eyes shining blue*

Gary: *gulped* ' what's with this Lucario, his energy....I can feel it clearly overflowing out of him' a steel type huh, I knew you will use them but didn't knew it will be this soon, Nidoking return *returned Nidoking quickly* Arcanine come on out! *Arcanine appeared on battlefield*

Ash: a wise choice but result will be the same, Lucario! Earthquake! *Smiling widely*

Gary: what!? No! Arcanine dodge! *But it was too late afternoon few seconds Arcanine was on ground unconscious*

Ref: Arcanine is unable to battle *announced, audience cheered for Ash*

In the stands

Giselle: Wow! Ash's strength is totally overwhelming, isn't it? *Looking at girls sitting beside her*

Misty: yeah, he said he is going to train for a month but I thought he is already so strong, how stronger he can still get but now it's in front of our eyes.

Delia: but I think he is going too hard on Gary *with a sympathetic look*

Prof. Oak : No, it should be this way Delia, this is the only way Gary can understand how much behind he is from Ash and how much work he have to do, don't worry about it, he was already prepared for all of this.

Delia: I hope so.

Serena: *looking at everyone* ' Ash is really amazing, do I really deserve to stay around him, everyone here have something they achieved but I have nothing' * then looked at Ash again*

Gary: I wasn't going to use this guy so soon but my other pokemon wouldn't be able to handle a single attack from your Lucario, come on out! Blastoise! *His Blastoise appeared on battlefield*

Ash: *sweatdroped* ' if a had using full power, I don't think your any pokemon could handle a single attack from my any pokemon but..' your Blastoise actually looks really strong Gary.

Gary: yeah he is, Blastoise! Hydro Pump!

Ash: Lucario, Aura shield * it stopped Hydro Pump easily*

Gary: what!? I never heard about this move before *confused*

Ash: you can call it a signature move, Lucario Earthquake!

Gary: protect then Earthquake! *Smiling a little*

Ash: Aura shield *it again protected Lucario*

Gary: Now! Brick break! *Blastoise suddenly appeared in front of Lucario and hit him hard* Earthquake quick! *This time Earthquake also successfully hit Lucario* well done Blastoise *Blastoise looked back at Gary and smiled*

Ash: *looking at Lucario who is on ground now* Are you okay Lucario? *Lucario looked at Ash then nodded standing on his feet* 'while Lucario made Aura shield, Blastoise got closer and attacked, a very good strategy Gary' *looking at Gary smiling*

Gary: impressed? *Asking Ash, audience also cheered*

Ash: sure I am, that was actually great thinking, Lucario! Dark Pulse!

Gary: Protect! *Blocked the dark Pulse*

Ash: Aura sphere *Lucario appeared on left side of Blastoise and used Aura sphere*

Gary: Dragon Pulse *both attacks clashed but in the end Aura sphere pierced through dragon Pulse and hit Blastoise sending him in the wall* Blastoise!

Ash: ' Lucario please reduce more power of Aura sphere'

Lucario: ' yes master'

As Ref was about to move to check on Blastoise, Blastoise himself stood up on his feet and walked back in the battlefield like nothing happened to him, audience cheered loudly seeing this.

Gary: we are not finished yet *looking at Ash*

Sorry it's short but I'll update soon again.

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