I'm back after a llllooooooonnnnng time, my device is kind of broken and I'm broke too so... umm... sorry
Giovanni: *standing in front of assembled team members* now we have a powerful weapon in our hands, this serum *showing purple serum in a glass tube* can enhance the power of Pokemon upto ten times for a whole day with no side effects except for they have to rest for a full day after that and now we have entered into next phase, this *a member brought a glass tube filled with blue serum* can even enhance the ability of a human being, power, strength, speed and senses. Now, I'll show it's results *another member came to Giovanni who injected blue serum into him, blue light started to circle around, man started to scream in pain causing other members get scared but then man stopped screaming and stood straight with a confident look with a visible changes in looks* now let's see it's power, Machamp fire punch *Machamp appeared from It's Pokeball and rushed at man with fire punch but surprisingly man blocked it with his left hand easily but this caused a shockwave showing that punch was extremely powerful, Giovanni smirked seeing the results then to the members* we are leaving, complete the preparation as soon as possible ' Ash Ketchum.. I still have a special surprise for you just wait for me'
Ash: *sitting on a mountain cliff, evening time* no one in this hideout had any useful information on Giovanni either *looking at a distant place where from smoke rising then Mew appeared near Ash*
Mew: I have teleported them to Lance's place.
Ash: Good, thanks Mew, we didn't got Giovanni's location but this is enough to get him out of his shell if not, atleast he won't try anything soon, let's get everyone then go back *walked in forest behind him where was everyone resting, Ash returned everyone (Pokemon he brought along) then teleported to his room in Pokemon centre but soon he heard a knock on the door*
"Ash!? Are you back!?" It was Misty's voice.
Ash: yeah I am, is something wrong? *Walking to door then opened it*
Misty: someone is here for you and he is waiting for a while now, it's the third time I came looking for you.
Ash: who is it?
Misty: come and see yourself, he isn't telling us anything, everyone is waiting for you.
Misty took him in Brock's room and everyone also there but a knight sitting in the centre caught Ash's eye, knight also noticed Ash got on his one knee.
Knight: Sir Ash, I apologise for my rudeness but we need to leave quickly, Rota is under attack by a organisation known as Team Rocket, we should hurry, I explain everything later.
Brock: Ash, may I come along? Maybe I can help.
Ash: no need Brock *unclipped Greninja's pokeball* Greninja stay here and if anything happens tell me.
Then knight and Ash teleported from there in Rota.
In the Throne room
Ileana: why Ash isn't here yet? *Then looked at the soldier standing in front of her* how long we can hold then back?
Soldier: your highness, Sir Ash's Pokemon are the only one remaining and holding them back from getting in the tree of beginning, their Pokemon and people are very strong we can't do anything at all to them even Sir Ash's Pokemon are having hard time, I don't know how long it will last like this.
Then Ash and knight appeared in the Throne room and Ileana explained everything to him.
Ash: how they became so strong? Let's have a look *Said then walked outside everyone following him, walked upto a crystal of tree of beginning and put his hand on it then he started to look at battle happening near tree of beginning, after a little while he opened his eyes* I see but how they did it is still a surprise.
Ileana: Ash, what's happening there?
Ash: don't worry sis leave everything to me *released Mew in her original form and Charizard* Mew give this to Venusaur and Charizard have this and help them *Charizard nodded and Mew transformed then teleported from there* now let's begin this *raising his sleeve and revealing his mega ring then put his left hand on crystal again and smirked seeing Mew giving it to Ivysaur then Mega ring started to glow*
Near tree of beginning
Suddenly crystal around them started to glow and Pokemon who were injured got healed then two different rays of Aura came of crystal and landed on Charizard and Venusaur and both of them mega evolved.
As I said my device is broken, so my laziness+ broken device= a lot of delay but another chapter will be coming soon, in 48 hours probably.

FanfictionWhen Arceus got betrayed and was weak. Arceus surely was angry on human kind for cheating on him but as a god he knew there are not all bad people so before going to sleep he left a big portion of his remaining powers that will take place in a perso...