Please read note in the end, it's been a while so I'm rusty now
Misty: I accept *Misty knowing the situation called her strongest she had, Starmie, Giselle seeing Starmie grabbed a pokeball from the shelf where were some others too in the training room and a Golem came out of it which surprised Brock because they are weak against water types*
Battle started and Golem defeated Starmie with just a rollout attack taking a water gun attack head on which didn't effected him a little.
Giselle: see Joe, types doesn't matter in a pokemon battle, you just need to train your pokemon to higher level and then you can win easily.
Misty: *returned Starmie with irritated expressions* I don't think so princess and I know someone who can prove you wrong *looking at Ash* right Ash?
Ash: Beautiful as well as smart, honestly... I didn't expected that *with a warm smile*
Misty: *shocked* What!?, What are you saying Ash!?. *Even Brock was shocked*
Giselle: *blushed a little seeing his smile* really? Thanks *boys who were with her didn't liked it but because of Mew being there, didn't said anything*
Ash: nevermind, I just said what was on my mind.
Misty: but he never said something like that to me, I'm not beautiful at all, uhhhh...why do I even care? *Getting irritated more*
Ash: but there is something wrong about what you said.*this attracted everyone's attention*
Giselle: and what is it?
Ash: level of pokemon, they also doesn't matter much, a bond between trainer and pokemon have to be strong, which will help them to achieve great strength and by only mutual hard training they can achieve it.
Giselle: really? And I thought you were smarter than others.*getting arrogant again*
Ash: let me prove it to you, I'll use my Pikachu, he didn't battled much until now, just few battles so his level isn't much, it's the best way to prove our point.
Giselle: I accept.
They stood on their places in the training battle field and Ash asked Pikachu to battle who jumped in the field instantly and Giselle called a Cubone.
Giselle: aren't you going to say that he is small or looks weak or are you scared that you are at a type disadvantage?
Ash: I'm not scared, it's because I know a pokemon's strength can't be measured from his appearance.
Giselle: I must say umm...
Ash: Ash..Ash Ketchum.
Giselle: ok Ash, I must say I'm impressed with your knowledge.
Ash: thanks, I'm honoured to listen this by a top student but let's finish this battle quickly.
Giselle: yeah sure.
Misty: hey Brock, did he just said finish it quickly?
Brock: yeah, he did.
Giselle: Cubone use bone club.
Ash: Dodge and wait for 3 seconds then jump on his head after that jump in the air quickly.
Pikachu believing in Ash, easily dodged it and after waiting for 3 seconds jumped on Cubone's, Giselle being confused by this didn't gave any command.
As Pikachu jumped in the air bone club returned and made direct contact with Cubone's head giving significant amount of damage because catching him off guard.
Giselle: what!? *With shock*
Ash: Pikachu, iron tail....on the ground. *Pikachu smashed ground hard and with just the impact of it Cubone flew away and started to cry*
Giselle: that iron tail, it could have defeated Cubone with one hit *sitting near Cubone and taking him in her arms*
Ash: yeah it can but then you would have thought I won because of type advantage attack but I think you have realized what I want to tell you by that little trick, after all you are a top student.
Giselle: yeah I did, books can't teach you everything.
Ash: that's right, there are things which you can discover by only yourself, pokemon can learn moves they usually don't, like electric types can learn steel types, water types can learn electric types and there are more so they can overcome there weaknesses, so the bottom line is there are a lot of things to learn but if you will depend only on books then they will be the boundaries of your knowledge and you will never be able to learn something new *Everyone looked at Ash in amazement*
After that Joe decided to start his own journey and Ash, Misty and Brock got ready to leave then bid there farewell to Joe and Giselle after that they started to leave but..
Giselle: hey Ash!
Ash: *turned around* yeah?
Giselle: you are going to compete in indigo league, right?
Ash: yeah I am, why do you asked?
Giselle: it's just... I'll be there to cheer you on.
Ash: really? Thanks Giselle, but it will be fine for you to come there?
Giselle: yeah it will *then moved forward and kissed his cheek which shocked everyone* see you soon then Ash.
Ash: * blushing* y-yeah s-sure *mumbled on which Giselle giggled but...*
Misty: come on Ash let's go *irritated*
Ash: *nodded* yeah sure *then they left*
Sorry guys for late chapter, I was going to complete it in 2 hours but some dialogues took their time to come in mind.
Important note :- guys I was thinking to skip filler chapters like these, tell what do you guys think, please make sure to tell me.

FanfictionWhen Arceus got betrayed and was weak. Arceus surely was angry on human kind for cheating on him but as a god he knew there are not all bad people so before going to sleep he left a big portion of his remaining powers that will take place in a perso...