chapter 12

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six of them entered pokemon center, there were 2 women and 4 men, the two women were professor ivy and professor juniper and 4 men were professor Elm,Birch,Rowan and sycamore(if you don't know Google them).
They were talking to each other about how will be the Oak's assistant when they saw Ash sitting alone, the 2 women started walking towards Ash followed by other professor.
"Hey,What a little cute boy like you doing here alone" professor juniper asked sweetly, trying not to make Ash afraid of them.
"Huh,oh well I'm not alone, I came here with someone" Ash replied looking at them,he wasn't afraid of them he already sensed their Aura and found no malice in them.

"And who is this some-" professor Ivy cut off by a voice.

"It's look like they didn't came ye-,oh you guys finally came, hello everyone" prof Oak said, returned after checking meeting room, everyone returned the greeting with their own.

"Well,We were just hanging around, it's not like we come kanto daily"prof juniper replied, she was excited because unova is far from kanto so she was not able to visit for like years.

"It's good to see you again professor" this time it was professor Elm.

"Yeah it is,how is your research going on breeding" prof Oak said.

"Oh it's going good but there is still a lot to learn" professor Elm replied.

"Let's get to point, where is he?" Professor Rowan asked sternly.

"Why don't we get to room and continue this" prof Oak suggested.

"Marvellous then we can finally meet him" professor sycamore said on which other professors nodded and they started walking to their private room with Ash following behind.

"So professor where is the young man" professor Birch asked impatiently.

"As much I have seen outside, you have already met him" prof Oak replied which made everyone confused.

"Just so know prof we didn't talked to anyone who can be your assistant" professor Elm said" and is that boy with you?" Elm said eyeing Ash by side of prof Oak.

" Prof what is going on here" said Ash to prof Oak,on word assistant he was also confused because as much he know, prof don't have any assistance except for him but why would professor from other regions will come to meet him so that option was out(at least for him).

"Well I was coming there, why don't you introduce yourself to them, I don't think you did, otherwise they were asking me different questions" professor Oak replied which made others more confused but Ash nodded for introduction.

" sorry I didn't introduced myself earlier, well then, hii my name is Ash Ketchum from pallet town and I want to be a pokemon master" Ash said with his goofy grin.

"Hii" all professors replied but then it hit them"what!" they shouted.

"Oak is this a joke, if you don't want to meet him with us, you should have said it clearly, not trying to fool us with a little kid" professor Rowan said angrily thinking prof lying to them, everyone agreed with them.

"I'm not lying Rowan he is the one" prof replied.

"Like we will believe it, a kid of umm....,hey how old are you kid?" Prof Rowan asked.

"Soon to be six sir" Ash replied politely.

"Right.., a kid who isn't even six year old know that much about pokemon, nice try Oak" Rowan said sarcastically" did he even know what is pokemon evolution" Rowan finished with anger then he stand up started walking towards exit with everyone following.

"Ash will you do the honour please" prof Oak said to Ash who got the signal and nodded, Everyone noticed this and focused on Ash.

"Very well then, i have questions for you too prof but I think that will be for later, now how may I start,okay I got it,Evolution is a process in which a Pokemon changes into a different species of Pokémon. This change is not merely visual, however, as Pokémon of a higher evolutionary stage have different and usually more powerful base stats than their predecessors, may have different moves that can be learned, and sometimes change their types, though usually at least one of the types of the previous form is preserved. Other statistics, such as Nature and EVs, as well as shininess, are preserved. The Pokémon's Ability slot also remains the same, though depending on species, the actual Ability may change. With respect to real-world phenomena, Pokémon Evolution is more similar to metamorphosis than evolution. Evolution also appears to be a mostly independent phenomena from the aging process for most species, though Baby Pokémon need to evolve to their next stage in order to breed. Pokemons basically evolve on the level basis but other things like evolutionary stone and such things can also make evolution possible. let's for example mega evolution,in order to Mega Evolve, most Pokémon must be holding their Appropriate Mega Stone And the Trainer must have a Key Stone. however unlike evolutionary stone's evolution mega evolution is a temporary process.It can be triggered in battle before attacking, and it allows the pokémon to attack after undergoing Mega Evolution. after the battle is over any pokémon in their mega evolution return to their normal form and-" then Ash looked up to their faces which showed nothing but shocking expressions, even one of them says now that he summarized this all, it's still not possible for a little kid"it's look like I said too much for now so I finish here".

There was silence.

"Marvelous" prof sycamore said breaking the silence "I'm impressed, mega evolution is in kalos and no one knows about it other than  a few kalos natives, I don't think even here professors knows about it that is the biggest proof prof Oak saying truth" on this statement others nodded and apologized to prof Oak and he forgave them" so how do you know so much about mega evolution".

"I just know" Ash replied plainly.

"Hahaha"prof Oak laughed in which others asked what happened and prof replied" you know, that's the answer I'm getting always".

" Now prof what is this all about" Ash asked sternly to prof Oak.

" Well Ash you see everything you told me I registered on your name" prof Oak replied.

"What! but I didn't asked you to that, oh no now everyone going to freak me out about it" Ash said horrified that people will ask him questions(you know about everything).

"You don't have to worry Ash, when we do any research we make sure it's not publicly issued, only official like us professors can see it, so in outer world no one about you, only us officials" prof Oak comforted him which worked" and after they saw your knowledge on pokemons, they wanted to meet you so I arranged this meeting".

" Well that is a good news but you should have asked me or at least informed me about it prof" Ash said pouting.

"Oh you are so cute" prof juniper said which made Ash's face to go red.

"Yeah he is" prof ivy agreed.

Then they asked questions related to their work which he replied easily. To say they were impressed with him, is a little word now.

Time skip

Now it was time for their leave, they started walking towards pokemon center's lobby Ash following behind. They stopped in lobby  to check out when suddenly a shadow grabbed Ash behind them  took him away and then two men entered pokemon center.

Well best part left out, it already become a long chapter at least for me 😅😅 so best part will be in next chapter bye🤗

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