Next day Ash Teleported to Rota, where Ash's pokemon were transported after his License got transferred, he met his mom and Ilene there too.
He brought all his pokemon to Alola with the help of Mewtwo.
Lunala came to get them and they all went to Ultra space to train.
Major time skip ( last day of training)
Ash is meditating with Golden light around him then a big thunderbolt came in his direction but it got deflected by Golden light, Ash opened his eyes, all of his pokemon sparing with each other.
Ash: Pikachu, be careful, you have power but you need to control it, it wouldn't had happened if you had spent more time on training than sleeping *Pikachu sweatdroped at this* Naganadel, you have grown a lot since the first we have met *the Poipole Ash met with, the first time he came to Ultra space, after seeing Ash's pokemon, he asked that he wanted to train too, Naganadel happily cried at this* actually all of them have improved a lot, atmosphere and Ultra Aura in the Ultra space effected their growth a lot, they all have became way stronger than before * looking at all of his pokemon then his eyes fell on Charizard, Greninja, Scizor, Aerodactyle and Lucario( I hope I'm not forgetting any other ace)* specially those guys, they trained the hardest, seeing them I trained myself to use Ultra Aura too, now I can use it quite well, it's powerful but I still prefer my own Aura, I'll use Ultra Aura only when it will be needed *Then his eyes fell on Mewtwo who is meditating far away from others* somehow Mewtwo gained the ability to mega evolve in two forms by himself, a pokemon evolves when he have overflowing Aura or gets stronger and bigger than usual ones, I think Ultra Aura made it possible for him.
Then a Ultra hole appeared and Solgaleo came out of it with Mew on his back, he came to Ash then rubbed his head with Ash's.
Ash: hey Solgaleo *laughing* so it worked? *Asked Mew* yeah, that nurse Joy you told me about registered you after I told her about you.
Ash: thanks Mew, now preparation are done, tomorrow we will be leaving for Indigo league, tell everyone to stop and rest, I have something to do and I'll get something to eat for everyone *Ash raised his hand in front of him, it started shining golden and an Ultra hole appeared* I'll be back soon.
After some time Ash came back with their food and he told them about the league tomorrow.
Ash: *walked to Solgaleo* Solgaleo, do you want to come with me but I'll not be coming back here or in Alola for a while, so what is your answer?
Solgaleo looked at Ash for a while then nodded to him, Ash took a Ultraball out of his pocket and captured Solgaleo (yeah, these pokeballs work). The pokeball didn't disappeared.
Ash: I sent all of your pokeballs to Rota so Mewtwo *looking at him* you have to Teleport all of us there, I hope it's not a problem.
Mewtwo: not at all, not anymore.
Ash: thanks *then Ash walked to Naganadel* so it's a goodbye Naganadel, I hope we will meet again someday *Ash turned around to leave but Naganadel got in his way* huh? Do you want something Naganadel?
Naganadel: I wanna come too, I don't want to leave my new friends and I wanna get more strong.
Ash: what about your other friends?.
Naganadel: I already told them that I'll be leaving with you, Head also agreed to it.
Ash: alright then *getting another Ultraball* I prepared another one just in case *then captured him too*
Now everyone let's go, a league is starting in few hours and we have to win it.
Hlo guys, I actually need all of your help, I don't remember all of the pokemon I gave to Ash, so it will be big help if you can give me a list, I can update soon then, thanks a lot.

FanfictionWhen Arceus got betrayed and was weak. Arceus surely was angry on human kind for cheating on him but as a god he knew there are not all bad people so before going to sleep he left a big portion of his remaining powers that will take place in a perso...