Chapter 88

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The next day

Ash: *on top of tree of beginning meditating then some airships appeared coming in his directions* ' everyone get ready, they are here'.

Ash came down as airships landed, Giovanni in the front with Shadow Mewtwo by his side and his team behind him.

Giovanni: hello Ash Ketchum, you must be getting impatient waiting for me, believe it or not I was also waiting for this moment for a while *With a big smirk*

Ash: Giovanni, last time I let you off easily but don't think I can't do anything more, I can erase your existence and no one will care *with anger in his eyes* the things you have done to my Pokemon and people around you, experimenting on them, making them suffer, today everything will end.

Giovanni: big words from your little mouth but I don't remember doing anything to your Pokemon but it will be interesting, they are really great subjects.

Ash: you may think you are a big existence in this world but in my eyes you are nothing more than an ant, I can crush anytime I want, all the Pokemon are under my protection and you have done something this time you shouldn't have.

Giovanni: *started laughing loudly* just a little Aura guardian and big words but you must have already seen that now all of us have Aura powers like you and not just us, our Pokemon too, what can you do? as for your Psychic attack * pressed a button on his ear piece which became a helmet* everyone here wearing this under hats, this is the same tech which we used on Mewtwo to supress his powers and my soldiers you captured last time were the one made from last batch of enhancement serum which is very inferior to the we used *showing his right hand in which a Aura sphere formed* what you have to say now? Handover Mewtwo and leave this place then no one of you will get hurt.

Ash: I sure made a big mistake here today, everyone go back in the tree of beginning.

Giovanni: kid, not in the tree but out of here so I'll never see you *Ash ignored Giovanni and put his hand on tree of beginning' crystal, whole tree started to and blue lights came out of crystals and formed a shied around tree of beginning* hey! What are you doing!?

Ash: Mewtwo * Mewtwo came out of locket* buy me some time *Mewtwo nodded to him*

Giovanni: do you think he can stand against all of us? * Laughing* Shadow Mewtwo here have absorbed litres of enhancement serum, he is the strongest Pokemon on this planet now.

Mewtwo: human, don't underestimate me, I was made to be the strongest Pokemon, this inferior copy have absorbed litres of your pathetic artificial serum but it's nothing more like a glass of water in front of me who daily absorbed it like taking a bath in sea, I AM THE STRONGEST POKEMON IN 'THIS WORLD' *flying high in the sky, tens of Aura sphere and Shadow balls appeared around him then he launched them, hitting everyone Pokemon which were released by team rocket in the front and everyone one of them fainted*

Giovanni was about to give his commands but stopped seeing golden light coming out of his Ash, eyes shining Golden, ring same Arceus appeared above Ash.

Ash: with the authority given to me by God, I declare all of guilty and all of you shall face Judgement ( Judgement attack of Arceus, check on internet if you don't know) *Ash raised his right hand in the air towards ring above him, from ring a light appeared which executed Judgement attack towards team rocket

The attack caused a big earthquake, Ash became normal and fell on his knees because of backlash using God powers without practice, smoke started to dissipate, no traces of team rocket members, their Pokemon unconscious but surprisingly Shadow Mewtwo was still standing like nothing happened, seeing this Mewtwo got ready to battle with a Aura sphere in his hand but Ash stopped him raising his hand.

Ash: there's no need to do that Mewtwo *walked towards Shadow Mewtwo (S.M.)* hey, who are you? *Asked with a smile*

S.M.: I'm Shadow Mewtwo *with lifeless tone*

Ash: that's the name they gave you, I'm asking about your existence.

S.M.: I... don't know.

Ash: then how about this, you can stay here in tree of beginning, there are a lot of Pokemon inside, you can protect it and be friends with others too, choice is yours.

S.M.: is it okay to disobey a command? But they said it isn't.

Ash: it's not a command, it's a suggestion *after a little while Shadow Mewtwo nodded and went in the Tree of beginning*

Mewtwo: *coming down to Ash* is it okay for him stay here?

Ash: no one can escape father's judgement, team rocket went to void space for their crimes, those Pokemon fainted but he was unharmed means he don't have any bad thought in his mind, they never let him made any choice maybe here he will learn it staying around others.

Mewtwo: you know Ash, you forgot something.

Ash: what?

Mewtwo: today morning was your semi final match, now you are disqualified.

Ash: what!!? No way!


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